Chapter 172 Up in the Air

His eyes narrowed. “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing. Design Division asked for the drawings,” I said. “I met Nick the other day and told him about

it, so he’s aware.”

“Design Division?” Then he said, “They could always get them from Nick’s project department. You don’t

have to resend them.”

I almost criticized that mean woman, but I refrained. After all, she was his employee. I said nothing, and

he didn’t ask further questions about it.

Time went by fast, and we were only together for four hours. It was late at night when he sent me home. I felt terrible when I saw how tired he looked. He had hurried back just for my birthday and would have to

leave for Quillbrooke early tomorrow.

At the door, he pulled me into his arms and held me for a moment. “Good night.”

I looked at him. Try to get some sleep

1 will.”


want to close the door, but he’d never leave if I didn’t. He needed to

heavy heart, and then ran upstairs to my

up at

his car, and drove off. It left me

felt like a teenage girl with her first love. He was all I could think about. I

couldn’t fall asleep.

following day, I drove to Starlight International, hoping to see him

returned to the

the office listlessly and called him. He told me

my under–eye bags when he entered my office. He sat down and handed me a document. “The materials for

far, so good.”

a report, and I asked for some coffee.

Melanie called. Assuming she was upset that I got the lucrative project, I chuckled and didn’t

for information, but I wasn’t in the mood. She could go fuck herself for


doing. How did they end up together in the first place? I guess it must have been their shared

to pick up Ava, and Stella called

“Are you in your office?”

wasn’t in high spirits after a sleepless night. All I wanted was to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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