36 Reconciliation and Revelry

36 Reconciliation and Revelry

Emma approached Morgan for a comforting embrace, only to be promptly pushed back. “Hold on there. You ignored all my warnings about your marriage, cut ties with us, and now you just show up expecting everything to be fine?” Morgan’s voice was tinged with hurt, remembering how hard she tried to prevent Emma’s Impulsive wedding.

Emina felt the sting of guilt. She had indeed shut everyone out, secretly tying the knot and only informning them after the fact. The sense of betrayal had been profound.

with remorse. “I was blinded by love and stubbornness, and I’m deeply sorry for the pain I caused

skepticism evident. “So, are you genuinely sorry, or is this just an act? Even though you’re divorced now, I

feeling the weight of her past actions. “I truly regret everything. The divorce papers are proof enough that I’ve left

seen the divorce documents myself. Plus, after the whole fiasco with that Bella Incident,

of Emma’s situation. “I guess you did finally wake up. But it’s hard to accept that it took another

mistakes, but I’m earnestly asking for another chance,” Emma pleaded,

reconciliation was impossible. “Fine, but this is your last chance. If you slip up again, we’re done for good. And don’t worry, we’ll find you someone who truly cares about you.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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