Chapter 8

-Maya's POV-

Iwinced as Natalia pressed the ice pack against my throbbing cheek, hissing through gritted tooth. "Thank you."

Her eyes widened. "Seriously, Amaya, you should have seen him. He looked like he was minutes away from committing murder."

I tried to smile but even I knew that it looked fake, "Natalia."

She sat on the edge of the bed, concern creasing her brow. "I know what you are thinking. But Amaya, the way he held you afterward... like you were made of glass, like he would do anything to protect you." I really wanted to believe her. Four years ago, I would have. The Alex I fell in love with would have killed for me but he wasn't that man anymore.

I sighed, exhaustion pulling at my already battered body. "Alex has always had a temper because it couldn't have had anything to do with me."

She tried to speak but I cut her off, "I saw the look on his face at the club. It was the same one he had when he saw me at the dinner, the same as the one he had when he kicked me out and rejected me." The word rejection tasted bitter on my tongue.

She hesitated, gnawing on her lip. "Look, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but..." her voice dipped even lower, "that look in his eyes, Amaya. It wasn't hate. It was... raw. Like seeing you hurt triggered something deep, something primal"

My heart, still hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs, skiped a beat. "Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't but it doesn't change anything and I know you know it too because you would have told me what happened when he took me out of the club."

She sighed, "It was like something snapped and he went cold."

"That's all I needed to know. I really wish I could hope but I can't. I try to convince myself that I hate him and it hurts even more because my wolf cries out for him but I know the reality, my story with Alex, it's over and nothing can ever change that."

She wanted to say something, tell a lie that even I wanted to believe but instead, she kept quiet.

throbbing in my cheek mimicking the pounding of

your kids before running off? I know Daniel's a

need a lecture,

ain't going anywhere in this state. Sleep.

one meant there was no arguing. With a sigh, I sank back onto the bed, closing

you're tired of hearing it, but this has to end, Amaya. Stop

of the light switch plunged the room into darkness. Natalia's last words, "I miss my friend, Amaya," hung in the air, heavy

warm against the cold ice pack. But beneath the sadness, a spark flickered. Natalia was right. I was tired, weary of running. Maybe tomorrow, with the

Chapter B

Thu, 20 Jun


as soon as I entered. My father loomed large, his eyes the color of a brewing storm."Where have you been?"

this tango of fear and defiance, was all too familiat.

words punctuated by the snap of

fueled iny resolve, I'm an adult, Father," I stated, my voice surprisingly steady. "I don't need your permission to come and go, especially

was a step too far, crossing a line I never thought he'd dare to


flared, stinging and hot. Gasping, I stumbled back, my world tilting on its axis. This... this was new. He'd threatened, belittled, manipulated, but

growl. "You will obey me, Amaya. You live under my roof,

crumpled on the floor, surrounded by the wreckage of my defiance. My fingers trembled as I reached for my cheek. The first wound had healed, this one had cut deeper and I knew it would take a

of fire. My father might have won today, but I wouldn't back down. The hot sting on my cheek pulsed as I stepped into the shower, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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