Chapter 9

The air crackled around Ivan's question, heavy with unspoken meaning. My mind instantly flashed to my father's icy glare. It was tempting to spill the truth, to build our relationship on honesty. But fear, cold and sharp, whispered of lies.

I shook my head, keeping my voice level "Nothing. Just the usual pack rivalry stuff. Why do you ask?"

He studied me for a moment, then his smile returned, quick and easy. "No reason, really. Just trying to keep my ear to the ground, you know? Lots of chatter going around. Heard something about trouble at the new elite club and I heard Alex was involved and you were there. Wanted to make sure you were okay."

The truth prickled on my tongue, but before I could speak, he cut me off, His hand, warm and gentle, cupped my cheek. "Easy there, no need to explain. I'm not some controlling brute. You're free to come and go as you please. Just wanted to check."

Relief washed over me, mingling with a pang of guilt. I forced a smile and nodded. "Thank you. Maybe next time we can go together."

His eyes crinkled at the corners. "I'd like that, Amaya."

The tension eased, replaced by a cautious hope. This was fragile, this trust he extended, and I wouldn't risk shattering it with lies. The future stretched before us, uncertain but full of possibilities. And for now, just for now, the simple truth of his presence felt like enough. Look

His touch lingered on my cheek, the warmth seeping into me, melting away the residual chill of fear. It felt safe. Unfamiliar, but safe.

He took a step back gesturing for them to sit, his smile still in place. "This is something I should have done even before the wedding. I want to know you, tell me about yourself, Amaya. Really. Not the wife Daniel wants me to see, not the Luna everyone expects you to be. Tell me about you."

His request struck a chord, a long-dormant longing for connection. For the last four years, I'd been molded into something I wasn't, expected to follow scripts written by others. But Ivan's eyes, open and curious, held a promise of acceptance, of seeing me beyond the layers.

Hesitantly, I began. "I love to paint," I admitted, surprised by the ease of the words. "Abstracts. Explosions of color, tangled lines that tell stories only I can


still paint?"

Ivan's face lit up with genuine interest. "That's incredible. Do you st

stung me. "No. Father..." I stopped, the words harsh and bitter van waited patiently, his eyes understanding.

Shame stung

a waste of time.


a trophy wife," Ivan finished,

stood in silence for a moment, the

and offered a hesitant smile. "Well, I think painting's important. And your father... well, let's just say he isn't

maybe, there was space for me to rediscover myself in this strange new

a small smile playing on

my own. "I'd love to see it," he said, his voice

the spell of our o and

12:00 Thu, 20 Jun.

Chapter 9

like duty calls. Something came up at

of connection fading a little. "Oh. It's okay," I said, forcing a

sorry, Amaya. Really. This wasn't how I


his stride hesitant. Then, he stopped, turning back to me with a hopeful spark in his eyes. "Listen, hot about you come with me? It's just a quick stop, wouldn't take long. And then... maybe we could grab

me. An actual date, away from the watchful eyes of my father, with a man who wasn't trying to control me.

of awkwardness in his voice. "Work stuff, honestly. It's not exactly glamorous, but hey,

awaits. Trust me, it's more exciting than paint

infectious. My doubts melted away, replaced by a flicker of anticipation. Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in his "Okay," I said,

we navigated the familiar, yet always oppressive, grounds of my childhood home. My heart thumped a nervous rhythm against my ribs, a mixture of excitement and

squeezing my hand gently. "Everything

offered him a shaky smile. "Just.. it's been

since I went out like this. You know, like a normal

down my spine. "Normal? Amaya

alert, but beneath the tension, a thrill danced-the thrill of His words brought a lightness to my heart I hadn't felt in years. My: defying

team, a group of wolves dedicated to maintaining peace and order within the

even a secret network of informants who kept their

just the handsome Alpha's, the charming suitor. He was a leader,

first blush of dusk was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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