
Chapter 31

Chapter 31

-Maya’s POV-

The knocking continued, a persistent hammering that was starting to grate on my nerves. This wasn’t the time for unexpected visitors, not with everything happening,

Just as I was about to tell Ivan to ignore it, the sound of the front door swinging open sliced through the tense silence. A m u f l e d exchange of words followed, then a high-pitched voice, laced with annoyance, cut through the air. “Get out of my way!”

I let out a m e n a l groan. The last person I needed to see right now was Miranda. My wolf, already on high alert from the chaotic events of the night, perked up at the sound of her voice. My claws felt like they were itching to extend from my fingertips.

Ivan let out a low groan beside me, mirroring my own frustration. Miranda pushed past the bewildered-looking police officer who had answered the door. She looked like a mess, her designer clothes wrinkled and her normally styled hair hanging limp around her shoulders. But it wasn’t just her appearance that threw me off. There was a frantic edge to her eyes, a desperation that I hadn’t seen before.

“Miranda, what are you doing here?” Ivan asked, his voice laced with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

She ignored him completely, her icy gaze landing directly on me. “You f**g little b**h,” she spat, her voice tight with barely concealed fury.

“Miranda,” Ivan growled, his voice a low rumble. This time, she couldn’t ignore him. She whipped her head towards him, her eyes blazing.

The remaining police officers exchanged wary glances, unsure of whether to intervene. The tension in the room was thick enough. to cut with a knife.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to step forward. “Haven’t you caused enough drama for one night? What more do you want?” My voice came out calmer than I felt. Inside, however, I was fuming. Couldn’t this woman see that we were dealing with a serious situation here? Did she have to make everything about her?

“Oh, please shut up,” she snapped. “You think you can take him away from me? Well, you’re wrong!”

I was not in the mood to play dumb so I crossed my arms defensively. “I have no interest in Alex, and I don’t know why you came to my father’s house, but I suggest you leave because I won’t let anyone hold me down this time.”

a split second. Surprise flickered across her face, then a c n n g glint replaced it.

I’m realizing now that you knew too and you didn’t tell me,” he said,


could continue, I cut her off. I’d had enough of her games. “Please leave, Miranda. We are already dealing

11:34 Fri, 21 Jun

Chapter 31

for the first time, she glanced around at the overturned furniture and s c a t t er e d papers: Her expression remained unreadable

her for what she is?” she screeched. “She’s a manipulator and she’s trying to turn you against me!” Her voice was laced with a strange desperation, a hint of hysteria

firmly. “This is about my father. He’s been arrested

to fear crossed her face for a brief moment, then it was masked by a sneer. “Well, good luck with

sigh, “That’s

me! This woman, she’s not who she

voice laced with a rare anger I hadn’t seen directed at anyone before. “Leave Amaya alone and you’ve overstayed your

by a flicker of hurt that quickly morphed back into anger. “Don’t you get it? She’s trying to break us up!

said firmly, stepping forward to stand beside Ivan. “Your accusations are ridiculous.”

“Don’t insult my intelligence. The way you two look at each other – it’s

us in the past and nothing is going to change that. Your jealousy is clouding

hint of hysteria. “Don’t you

that. The past. It has nothing to do with

turning back to her brother. “Can’t you see that? She’s using you to get to me so

deep breath, trying to maintain some semblance of calm. “It’s not my fault that you are paranoid.

flickering between us. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but the tension in the room was thick enough to cut

to retort, I cut her off. “Look, Miranda,” I said, my voice firm. “I understand that you care about Ivan, but this is not the way to handle things. Showing up here unannounced, causing

straightened her shoulders, a defiant glint returning to her eyes. “Fine,” she spat, her voice laced with barely concealed anger. “But you listen to me good, Amaya. Don’t think you’ve won here. I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll be watching you.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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