
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

-Maya’s POV-

I stared at him, my mouth agape, struggling to form a coherent response. “There must be some mistake,” I finally managed, “This is crazy! –

“We have reason to believe you were involved in a series of financial transactions linked to illegal activities with your father,” the officer continued, his voice devoid of emotion. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.”

My brain scrambled to process his words. Money laundering? Illegal activities? It was like he was speaking a foreign language. This couldn’t be happening. This had to be some kind of bizarre misunderstanding.

glanced at Ivan, searching for some flicker of recognition, some shred of understanding in his eyes. But his expression was a mask, a mixture of shock and confusion that mirrored my own. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could come out, another officer stepped forward.

“Let’s go,” the officer who had arrested me said curtly, gesturing towards the door. His grip on my arm tightened, leaving no room for argument.

Suddenly, a new sound pierced the tense silence. A groggy voice, laced with confusion, echoed from the living room.

“Amaya? What’s going on?” My mother. She must have finally woken up from the chaos. Maybe if it was any other situation, I would have wondered why she hadn’t woken up throughout Miranda’s tantrum. Before I could even turn my head to look at her, her voice rose in alarm. “What are you doing to her?” she shrieked, her words directed at the officers.

As if jolted awake by her outburst, Ivan finally reacted. He lunged forward, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. “Let her go! This is a misunderstanding!”

The officers, however, were unfazed. One of them reacted instantly, his hand flashing to his holster as he drew his gun. “Sir, I suggest you don’t make another move.” His voice was calm but firm, leaving no room for argument.

Everything was happening so fast, a whirlwind of confusion and terror. My mother screamed, a high-pitched sound that clawed at my sanity. I had never even been involved in my father’s company! There had never been any talk of money laundering, of illegal activities. It was all a terrible mistake, a cruel nightmare. But the officers weren’t interested in explanations. With a firm grip on my

anger. She arm, they began to usher me towards the door. My mother lunged after me, her face contorted with a mix of fear and reached out, her hand grasping at my arm.

“Amaya! No!” she cried, her voice cracking with desperation.

anything, the officers were pulling me out of the house. The world blurred into a nightmarish collage of flashing lights and sirens wailing in the distance. Through the haze of confusion and panic,


her voice was gone, like a distant, the way she had been for the better part of my life, replaced by the rhythmic thump of my own heart hammering against my ribs. As they shoved me

:34 Fr

Chapter 32

He stood there on the porch, his expression unreadable in the

he mouthed silently, his voice barely


for himself, I couldn’t tell. But they were the only shred of hope I had

red and blue lights painting the world in a dizzying strobe effect. My wolf thrashed inside me, snarling inside my head. The primal urge to fight, to tear free, was overwhelming. But I shoved her down, forcing myself

attempts to explain, to plead my innocence, fell on deaf ears. The officers were stoic, their faces emotionless masks. By the time we

from me – my phone, my wallet, even the necklace Alex had

with the smell of disinfectant and something else.. fear. Two women sat on a

them, a woman with a **d head and a defiant glint in her eyes, spoke

a jerk of her chin. “You in for shoplifting,

my head,

cut me off. She was older, her face etched with a lifetime of hard living. “They ain’t interested in

akin to pity crossed the older woman’s face. “What’d you do, kid?” she asked, her voice softer than

I stammered,

erupted from the s**d-headed woman. “Money laundering? You look like you couldn’t

a hot flush creep up my neck. “It’s a mistake. There’s no way I could be involved in

ways to survive in here. Don’t trust anyone, least

her gaze. “I… I appreciate the advice,” I managed, my

time there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Looks like newbie’s got

Chapter 32

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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