
Chapter 33

Chapter 33

-Alex’s POV-

Fury gnawed at my insides, a bitter, acidic knot that twisted with every ragged breath I took. The image of Christian’s smug smile burned behind my eyelids, a reminder of his infuriating game–playing. Adrian getting out was a major headache, that much I knew. But the truth Christian had withheld was a goddamn detonator, set to drive my wolf insane. To drive me insane.

The hit I had him make Daniel’s company take had exposed his money laundering scheme, which was why he was currently being. investigated. That much I knew. What I didn’t know was that Christian had neglected a crucial detail.

In his my haste to make Daniel pay for being a headache, I had inadvertently implicated Amaya. Danirl had forged signatures, laundering money in her name, forging a financial link between her and his company. So if Daniel was going down, so was she.

And that was unacceptable.

The memory of Christian’s infuriating smirk as he turned his back on me after stating without an ounce of remorse that she had been arrested too sent a fresh wave of fury crashing over me.

But still I asked myself. Why couldn’t I just walk away? Forget about the woman who had betrayed me?

But the answer was simple – I couldn’t. I couldn’t let her go no matter how hard I tried. Amaya, for all her flaws, was still innocent in this. She was a pawn, manipulated by her father and now caught in the crossfire of my war with him. The thought of her locked up in some godforsaken jail cell, ignited a primal urge within me.


wolf snarled. He liked Christian but at this point, I was trying so hard not to give into him, tear through the city and make Christian pay for keeping something as important as this from me. If I had known, I’d have found another to strike Daniel Stone but none that would ever had involved hurting her like this. I slammed my foot on the accelerator, the engine roaring in response as sped towards the police station.

The air crackled with nervous energy as I stormed into the station, the harsh fluorescent lights adding to the sterile atmosphere. My alpha aura pulsed around me, a silent command for respect and immediate attention.

“I’m here to see Amaya Stone,” I declared, my voice hard and laced with an edge of impatience. A silent part reminded me that she would soon take his name but I ignored it.

The young officer behind the counter barely glanced up from his paperwork. “Do you have an appointment, sir? Are you her

deference. lawyer?” His voice was flat, devoid of any

any idea who

looked up, his gaze flickering over my expensive suit and the glint of my Rolex watch. But there was no recognition, no hint of awe in his


my chest. The blatant disrespect from this underling was infuriating. “Look, kid,” I growled, leaning forward, my


Chapter 33

stiffened, his eyes widening a fraction. He clearly sensed the raw power emanating from me, the alpha energy that demanded obedience. But he held his ground,

for you, there are procedures to follow. Without an appointment, I can’t let

crackled with unspoken tension. We were locked in a silent battle of wills, the young officer clinging to the flimsy shield of protocol while my wolf strained against

with a deep, controlled

teeth. “Get me an appointment.

scurried to his computer. “It might

in to


raw power simmering beneath the surface of my words must have gotten through to him. Without another

“Follow me, Mr. Thorne.”

floor. My wolf thrashed inside me, its anxiety mirroring my own. Why was I here? Was it guilt gnawing at the edges of my conscience, guilt for the situation

anymore, not after her betrayal. The memory of her betrayal sent a fresh wave of anger coursing through me, a frown etching itself onto my face. Just then, the clang of

Gone was the fiery defiance I was used to seeing, replaced by a stoic emptiness. There were no tear tracks, no signs of emotional breakdown. She had always been strong, I knew that much.

with exhaustion. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” Her voice was flat, devoid

didn’t answer. The truth was,

going to sit?” I asked

“And you’re suddenly capable of being

“Amaya, sit down,” I commanded, my voice radiating my power. She might be an


me was enough to singe my eyebrows. She took a seat across from me, her posture stiff and

11:34 Fri, 21 Jun

Chapter 33

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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