
Chapter 123

Chapter 123


Regret gnawed at me, a bitter aftertaste lingering in my mouth as Adrian’s words echoed in my head. I should have paid more attention, should have heeded the not so veiled threat hanging heavy in his final words. Instead, I’d brushed it off, convinced that whatever he had planned, I could handle it.

Money, influence, power – I had it all in excess. Surely, I could weather whatever storm he intended to unleash. But for the first time, the weight of my arrogance pressed down on me, a suffocating realization of my own flaw.

The first blow came swift and unexpected. News of werewolves existence was leaked to the world. The truth became public spectacle, splashed across headlines and dissected on every news channel. Panic rippled through the human population, fear morphing into a primal hatred. Bounties were placed on the heads of any werewolf, turning former neighbors into hunters, friends into potential betrayers. We, the creatures of myth and legend, were suddenly the monsters in their stories.

The world descended into chaos. Werewolves, forced out of the shadows, scrambled to protect themselves. Violence erupted, escalating what was once a silent war into an all–out conflict. My focus narrowed, my priorities shifting. The pack, my responsibility, became my sole concern. Keeping them safe, ensuring their survival now my paramount objective. And her, Amaya, she remained a constant worry in the

back of my mind.

For a week, I managed a risky dance. The initial frenzy hadn’t reached my city yet, offering a temporary reprieve. From the safety of my heavily guarded mansion, I worked tirelessly at damage control.

. Businesses were

network of loyal followers who helped me navigate the cha

7reatened, investments sabotaged. But I had resources, a

was a general in a silent war, fighting an unseen enemy.

Somehow with undeniable evidence, my name the restaurants I owned, everything I’d built over the years,

Then, the walls crumbled. The attack was swift, brutal, and undeniably targeted right made headlines revealing to the public that I was one of them. My companie began to go up in flames.

The message was clear: I was no longer untouchable.


fueled my every move. But beneath it all, cold, calculating logic took hold. This wasn’t random, not a spontaneous outburst of violence. This was a calculated attack, methodical and precise. And deep down, in the pit of my gut, I knew who


situation was a tangled mess, an irritating knot that needed untying. And what made it even more infuriating


He let out a long, annoyed sigh before drawling, “Look, Alex, you know you

glared at the phone, willing him to feel the intensity of my stare.

I already said, you and I aren’t


again, this time a hint of seriousness creeping into his voice. “Alright, alright, lighten up. It’s not the end of the world… well, wait, maybe it kind of is if everything’s going up in

now,” I spat. “Did you

Chapter 123

of tense silence stretched between us before he spoke again. This time, his voice lacked its usual sarcastic lilt. “Things are bad, Alex. Really bad. Your headquarters in

I’d specifically assigned two of my most trusted guards, both human and werewolf, to ensure her safety, “What happened to her?” I demanded, my voice an

down,” he explained. “Her best friend’s husband – I don’t know his name–shifted

hand through my hair, the

for now, at least


my gut. Shit.

her walking away in



I have people working on stopping

response. “You’re public enemy number one,

and your empires were built on the blood you used the monster in you to kill. I know whatever I say won’t stop you from going after her, but for the love of all

line went dead, leaving me staring at the phone in my hand. Public replaced

once familiar comfort of power

was alone, vulnerable, and the knot of worry tightening in my stomach threatened to

another second.

I sprinted towards the car, ignoring the protests of the guard stationed outside. The engine roared to life as I slammed the door

my nostrils. Debris littered the streets, twisted metal skeletons of cars the remnants of recent attacks. Looters roamed freely,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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