
Chapter 124

Chapter 124

-Maya’s POV-

Time bled together. How long had I sat there, a statue carved from regret, the accusations echoing in my ears? Long enough for the world to dim, the last embers of the burning buildings painting the sky a bloody red. Long enough for the initial shock to morph into a dull ache that throbbed with the guilt of a thousand sins.

If I were a character in a book, everyone would hate me. And they’d be right. What was wrong with me? Truly, what was the flaw in my core that made me such a destroyer of everything I


With a monumental effort, I dragged myself out of th

of the haze. My legs protested with each step. The twins. I needed to see them, to hold them close, they were all I had left. Natalia hated me, Nate was, I didn’t allow myself complete the thought. Ivan was nowhere to be found and Alex?

The world around me blurred, the screams and shouts muted by the deafening roar of my own misery. My walk was a daze, fueled by a primal instinct to reach my children. Streets that were once familiar became unrecognizable, the chaos a constant thrumming under my skin. Then, a flicker of movement in the distance caught my eye. A tall figure emerged from the shadows, solidifying into Ivan.

He called my name, a single word that pierced through the fog clouding my mind. For a heart–stopping moment, everything froze. The weight of everything – Nate, Natalia’s fury, the city burning – came crashing down on me, a physical force that knocked the breath from my lungs.

And then, I was running. Running towards him, towards the only semblance of comfort I could find in this maelstrom of destruction. Tears, scalding and hot, streamed down my face as I collided with him, burying my face in his chest. A sob tore through me, a raw expression of the guilt and pain that threatened to consume me whole.

He didn’t try to stop me. He didn’t utter a single word of condemnation or comfort. He simply held me close, a silent anchor in the storm, as I let the tears flow freely, cleansing my soul or at least attempting to.

We clung to each other for a long, silent moment. The world continued to erupt around us, the distant screams and flickering fires a constant reminder of the chaos that had become my life. Finally, Ivan spoke, his voice a low murmur close to my ear.

“Let’s get you home,” he whispered, his words laced with a quiet concern that sent a fresh wave of tears prickling at my eyes.

Home. The word felt foreign on my tongue, a concept that seemed to have vanished amidst the wreckage of my world. A million questions swirled in my head, a storm of confusion threatening to pull me under.

Where had he been?

Why had he disappeared when I needed him most?

What happened between us?

And most importantly, what the hell was going to happen to the world?

All I could manage was a croaked, one–syllable response. “No,” I

“You don’t want

with a force that sent a jolt of pain through my throbbing skull. “The twins. I need to see them. My parents‘ house. I… I want to go to my parents‘ house.” My voice cracked, barely a whisper on the wind.

I understood his surprise. I honestly still didn’t understand why my father address to take

Chapter 124

voice calm and steady. He guided me towards his car, a ghost of myself shuffling along beside him. The world swam before my eyes, the destruction around me a

My gaze drifted out the window, taking in the apocalyptic scenes we passed. Once–familiar buildings were reduced to smoldering husks,

of guilt washed over me, an unwelcome companion in my misery. I

the to the hospital would be foolish. Natalia’s

thought of my best friend

thought too in the

contemplate. But


despair, I knew going


raw but this second rejection, felt

facing her wrath,

silence began to stretch, a suffocating weight

questions. Ivan broke it

I left,”



a side of






sn’t a hostile

but a heavy one, thick


hed the

felt in my own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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