
Chapter 125

Chapter 125

-Maya’s POV-

The world around me vanished the moment the guard’s words slammed into my ears. A primal growl erupted in my head, a ferocious sound that ripped through the haze of despair and guilt, snapping me back to a terrifying reality. There was no way in hell my father had issued an order to keep me from my children.

Fury surged through me, a white–hot inferno that burned away all reason. Daniel Stone could control a lot of things, manipulate people with his money and power, but he wouldn’t touch this. He wouldn’t come between me and my babies. No. Just no.

I ripped the car door open with a force that surprised even me. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if another yank had ripped it clean off the hinges. My eyes turned to black. My wolf was close, so close to the surface, fueled by a primal urge to protect her pups.

Stepping out of the car, I stalked towards the guard, my eyes blazing. The growl rumbled in my chest, a low, menacing sound that vibrated through the air. He flinched, taking a nervous step backward.

“I’m giving you three seconds to let me pass,” I snarled, my voice laced with a deadly calm.

He swallowed before taking a stance, “Alpha gave his orders.”

I unleashed the fury that had been simmering within me. With a snarl that ripped from my throat, I let go. My wolf took over, the shift instantaneous and brutal. Claws extended, fangs bared, I lunged for him.

He crumpled to the ground with a surprised yelp, my weight pinning him down. A primal growl vibrated in my throat. I sank my teeth into his arm, the taste of blood metallic in my mouth. He screamed, a high–pitched, terrified sound that echoed in the air.

The world blurred for a moment. Then, a sharp click cut through the chaos. Instinct took over, my wolf’s senses on high alert. I whipped my head around, searching for the source of the sound. There, behind me, stood another guard, his hand hovering over a pistol pointed directly at my head.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, fear momentarily replacing the rage. But even fear couldn’t suppress the mother wolf protecting her pups. I wouldn’t back down. Before the guard could even squeeze the trigger, I was moving again. With a ferocious snarl, I launched myself at him, knocking the gun from his grasp. The sound of it clattering on the ground was lost in the ensuing chaos.

A commotion erupted around me. More wolves surged from the shadows, their eyes glowing a menacing red. They were ready to fight, to protect their territory, their pack. But who was the enemy here?

Confusion clouded my mind. These were my father’s wolves, sworn to protect his people. But they were also blocking my path to my children.

the hell was going

and authority. “Anyone moves an inch and

alpha aura radiating from him, a tangible force that washed over the assembled wolves. It was powerful, undeniable, a surge of energy that instantly calmed the pack. The merger had elevated him

dissipating. A tense silence settled over the scene. Then, our eyes met.

said simply, his voice softer now. “They won’t stop

With a single–minded focus, I sprinted towards the imposing house. Every muscle screamed in protest, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I reached the door to his study and didn’t waste a single second. With a primal roar erupting from my throat, I slammed my shoulder into the door. The wood splintered under the force. I didn’t even flinch, watching as the door broke into pieces then I shifted back

phone and for a split second,

I snarled, stalking towards him, closing the

mask of irritation, “Amaya? Have you… have you suddenly

word dripping with venom. “It’s you who’s lost your mind. How dare you

I continued, my voice laced with bitter sarcasm. “You would never do anything out of the goodness of your heart. Who am I kidding, you don’t even have a good heart in

voice hardening. “Amaya,” he growled, his voice low

r words.”

Tell me you hate me? Tell me I’m a mistake?



throat. “You can do all that,” I growled, my voice thick

in my father’s eyes. Fear. Genuine, raw fear, sparked

silent battle of wills. Neither one of us blinked, the air thick with unspoken threats. Finally, he broke eye contact, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He took a hesitant step back and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a single word out, another voice cut through the tension. It was my mother’s voice, laced with a hint of panic. “Goddess, what happened here? Amaya, where are your

jolt back to reality. I looked down, realization washing over me in a hot wave. I had

my mother. “Where are the twins?” I asked, my voice

to watch them when

ragged breath did little to quell the firestorm raging inside me. Taking a deep breath, I tried to tamp

fury. “He told the guards not to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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