Chapter 113

Marguerite suddenly lost her balance, stumbling back a few steps and collapsing onto a bench in the hallway. She was momentarily stunned.

“Am… am I pregnant?”

Her fingers went ice–cold, her body stiff.

How could she be pregnant?

Her mind involuntarily flashed back to that wild night a month ago at the Regal Haven Hotel…

She didn’t even know who the guy was, how could she have his kid?

No, she can’t!

She couldn’t accept a child whose father she didn’t even know.

Marguerite lifted her head, tears welling up in her eyes. “I want an abortion, right now.”

gently, handing Marguerite another medical

have severe pelvic inflammatory disease. You

down Marguerite’s spine. A

uncontrollably down her face. She asked, “What would happen if I insisted on

or even worse, it could be

Marguerite like a

she leaned listlessly against the

probably had no idea what Marguerite was going through, but she had no

mess, how

crying? Want some candy?” A gentle child’s

to see a little girl, barely up to

enormous piece of candy to Marguerite, which was even

too upset

“Mister, what’s wrong with

not feeling well, she’ll be okay soon. What are you doing here alone? Where are

I don’t have a dad. My mom’s in the bathroom and asked me

a dad?” Marguerite was

her face. “I’ve never had a dad. My mom and dad broke up when she was pregnant. My mom

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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