Chapter 114

Not long after, the little girl’s mom emerged from the restroom.

She warmly said “goodbye” to both of them, insisting on shoving the lollipop into Marguerite’s hand, then happily took off.

Marguerite stared at the lollipop in her hand, a bit in a daze. Then, she heard Steven’s gentle voice, “Marguerite, why don’t you want this baby? What happened? Tell me, maybe I can understand you.”

Marguerite gave a bitter smile. “Steven, no one can truly understand another person’s feelings. You can’t understand me.”

Just then, Laverne had finished all her check–ups and was coming their way with Janie.

As soon as the old lady saw Marguerite, she yelled from a distance, “Where have you two been? Let’s go home! I’m feeling great!”

Steven smiled and replied. “I can tell you’ve recovered well.”

Marguerite quickly turned to Steven, urgently saying, “Steven, don’t let my grandma know about my pregnancy.”

Steven kept a straight face, but his slightly furrowed eyebrows betrayed his surprise.

Marguerite didn’t explain, and he didn’t ask further, just nodded, “I understand.”

Considering her relationship with her grandma, she hadn’t figured out how to break the news. Besides, her grandma might not consider it from her perspective.

But in reality, Frederick was the more difficult one to deal with.

was dropped off home by Steven, his reaction was pretty

if he found out she was carrying another man’s

could even imagine Frederick’s

had no intention of

two months, her relationship with

two–month pregnancy

need for Marguerite to

goodbye to Steven and left the hospital with

walked under the


lonely, projecting an aura of solitude

watched her, feeling a surge of indescribable

laughed, “Steven, you’re

glanced at Janie, then headed for his office,

shrugged, not saying

as they got back to the office,

haven’t gone far, I’ll go give her the

headed out, Steven’s voice followed immediately, “Give her these reports as well.”

with the reports in hand, rushed out of the hospital but couldn’t find

well, I’ll give them to her next week when they come

into the lobby, she spotted a mother–daughter duo who looked familiar registering at

Laverne’s daughter–in–law

noisy. There seemed to be a dispute

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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