Chapter 43

When the plane finally landed and came to a stop, I released the breath I had been holding. I happily followed the guys onto solid ground again, wondering if the guys would consider driving home. Jamie led us out of the airport to a waiting black SUV. Patrick helped me into the backseat. buckling me in; Drew slid in next to me while the twins climbed into the third row. Patrick joined us in the back after speaking with Jamie and a new man waiting with the car. Jamie climbed into the passenger seat while the new man got behind the wheel, Patrick introduced us all to the new man, whose name was Sean. He would be back up security so that Jamie could take breaks. After greeting us, Sean started to the car, following the line of vehicles away from the airport.

After what seemed like forever, Sean pulled up in front of a beautifully restored hotel in the historic Port District of Portland, Patrick helped me out of the back and led me inside while the other guys piled out and helped Jamie and Sean with our bags.

Once inside, I wandered around the lobby, looking at all the black and white pictures that were displayed along one wall while Patrick got us checked in. This whole area looked like a fun place to explore; maybe I could talk the guys into returning and spending more than one night next time. The guys came into the lobby just as Patrick was getting the key to our room, and we followed him over to the elevator. Jamie held the elevator door as we all squeezed in, leaving Sean with the luggage cart and bellhop to come up next.

The elevator took us to the top floor, and we stepped out to a beautiful view of the bay in the late afternoon sun. Only three rooms were on this floor: the suite we stayed in and two smaller rooms for Jamie and Sean. Patrick passed Jamie a key card, then led the way to our room; unlocking the door, he stepped back and let me go first. I stepped inside and turned around in a circle, utterly surprised.

“This isn’t a hotel room; it’s an apartment,” I said in shock. Patrick just laughed as he walked by, stopping to kiss me before he started opening doors and exploring. I looked around, taking everything in. There was a small kitchen area with a fridge, microwave, and sink. A table with four chairs was placed between the kitchen and sitting area. The seating area had two comfortable–looking couches across from a flatscreen TV. On the opposite wall was a sliding glass door that led out onto a balcony with a view of the bay.

Patrick stuck his head out of one of the rooms, motioning me over.

“This is your room, love; go look.” he said, grinning.

stepped into the room and

with a couch and TV next to French doors that looked like they led out to the balcony. I opened the door on the other side of the bed and found a large bathroom. There

show off the tub I was seriously considering living in, to find Jake leaning against

stuff.” I pointed to the tub with a shelf behind it that held a collection of bath salts, oils, and bath bombs,

things sweetheart.” Jake said, turning me around and giving me a deep

with Sean to a nearby market to get drinks and snacks for later. Patrick has made dinner reservations for the re downstairs, but it’s not until six thirty. Your bag is in your room if you would like to change.


I spotted my bag, and

fancy is the restaurant?”

– Not wery,

him, flopping down on the other side of

my bag, hanging them in the closet hoping any wrinkles they had from being packed would be less noticeable by

take a shower and change.” I told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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