Chapter 44

Jake handed me a towel, and we both dried off. I dressed and brushed out my hair, letting it dry naturally: I threw it up in a messy bun. I walked into the main sitting area and joined Drew on the couch.

“How are you feeling, Angel?” Drew asked.

“Much better now that I had a shower and am on solid ground.” 1 replied, sliding closer to him so he would cuddle with me. Patrick brought me a bottle of water and a bag of trail mix while Drew flipped through the TV stations, stopping at a baseball game. I wrinkled my nose at the TV, but when i spotted the chocolate candy mixed in with the nuts and dried fruit, I forgot about the game on TV and hegan picking out the candy.

Drew laughed as he watched me hunt for the candy, ignoring the rest of the snack, murmuring to myself happily.

“Angle. what are you doing? 1 looked up at Drew, confused for a moment.

“Oh, sorry, I zoned out for a second. I’m picking out all the chocolate first. Chocolate makes me happy, and it fixes everything.” I grinned at went back to my search for the candy.

“Make a note, guys, chocolate makes our girl happy.” Mike joked; I glanced his way and popped a candy into my mouth.

“Yep, I will forgive you for almost anything if you bring me chocolate.”

Drew and

too cute for words right now.” Josh said, joining us on the couch. He reached over and

climb over him to get my treat back, but he put it out of reach and sat me back where I was. I took a breath, ready to complain some more when Josh stopped me with that damn sexy

then picked up the bowl I hadn’t seen him bring over and

more chocolate; thank you, Josh, you’re my favorite for the rest of the day.” Josh beamed as the other guys loudly complained about him being the favorite. I tried to ignore them, humming to myself about

his arm around me, the baseball

that’s unfair; why is Josh the

me on my first flight, Drew for bringing me stomach medicine and water, Mike for letting me cuddle with him, even with the risk of me getting sick, Jake for helping me wash my hair, and now Josh for bringing me more chocolate. With all the guys grinning now, I went back to my hunt for chocolate, and the guy’s attention

got up and wandered over to a bookcase I had spotted earlier. Looking through the selection, I found a book I had not read yet and brought the thriller back to the couch with me. Snagging a throw pillow, I laid it against Drew’s hip, curling up and leaning against it; I got sucked into

spent the entire game

Do we have enough time to explore

changed into the sundress, took my

ready baby girl.” Josh said, hugging me. “You

and hours spent on makeup were never an option for me. Plus, I had never been interested

fit, but I was small and wedged between Mike and Patrick, resting against Mike’s chest. The elevator let us out at the lobby, and the guys followed Mike and me into the late afternoon sun. The following two hours were spent exploring the Historic Port. Liam patiently followed us, waiting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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