Chapter 80

Evelyn was in the kitchen, her hands busy with dinner prep, but her mind elsewhere, thoughts of her conversation with Rayna carlier occupied her mind as she tried to figure out what Sandra was up to.

She was jolted back to reality when she heard the front door burst open. Samantha’s voice rang through the house, a high–pitched excitement that brought a smile to Evelyn’s face as she quickly wiped her hands on a dish towel and hurried out to meet Samantha.

“Mommy! Mommy! Guess what?” Samantha’s small feet pounded against the floor as she raced into the dining, her face flushed with enthusiasm.

“What is it, sweetheart?” she asked, her eyes sparkling as she knelt to her daughter’s level.

*1 met Rek!” Samantha exclaimed, bouncing on her toes

Evelyn’s brows shot up in surprise. “You did! At the park?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Samantha nodded vigorously. “Yes! Can you believe it?” Samantha asked, and Evelyn laughed, delighted for her daughter who had reconnected with a lost friend

“That’s wonderful, baby. Was he there to play too?” Evelyn asked, genuinely curious.

“He was driving by and saw the park, so he stopped to see if I was there. And I was!” she said, her voice bubbling over with excitement.

Maya was tempted to cut in and say that wasn’t exactly what Derek had said, but she didn’t want to dampen Samantha’s excitement, so she quietly watched with a smile on her Face.

“He said he missed me and kept looking for me at the playground,” Samantha said, her eyes gleaming with joy.

Evelyn’s heart warmed at the thought of the little boy who had made such a strong impression on her daughter Now she was dying to meet the kid.


and Samantha shock her

to the park?”

park to play with me every Saturday! And he took Maya’s number so he can call if he can’t come. Right, Maya?” she asked, and Maya

“That’s great, honey. Did you meet his

like Derek would have a nanny. “No, Rek was alone. But he promised to come play with me every Saturday,” she


was asking that sort of question about a

alone with his driver then,” Evelyn said, wondering how wealthy the kid’s parents must be if he was still living at the hotel, and could

wave of gratitude for this thoughtful friend who was making her daughter so happy. She reached out to smooth back a strand of Samantha’s hair, her smile softening. “You know, Sam, maybe you could go to the same

the doorway, felt a sudden realization dawn on her. Evelyn had

Stone, the owner of Stone Palace Hotel, but before either her or Samantha could say anything, Evelyn’s phone

when she saw Rayna’s name flashing “Go wash up sweetie,” she said,

forehead before walking towards the living room

worry in her stomach. She had to find a

brightly. “Sammy, did you tell

“No. Do you think Mommy thinks Rek is a

the truth, and maybe she can see him if he comes around

wanted Derek in meet her mother and see how beautiful she was, so that

with Derek

12:15 PM dd-

Chapter 80

big curious eyes. “Rek?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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