Chapter 81

“Hey. Ray! What’s up!” Evelyn asked the moment the call connected.

“Evelyn! You will not believe what just happened!” Rayna’s voice came through loud and high–pitched, nearly causing Evelyn to pull the phone away from her ear.

Evelyn’s smile faded as she heard the strain in Rayna’s voice. “What happened? Are you okay?

Rayna’s breath was coming out in gasps, like she had been running or maybe just talking a mile a minute. “I wish the ground would just open up

and swallow me,”

“Calm down, Ray. What’s wrong?” Evelyn asked, concerned.

“I ran into him. Evelyn, ran you believe it? I ran into the guy from the club again?””

ere did you meet him?”

Evelyn’s eyes widened. “Wait, you mean Ethan‘ The guy you called a pervert last night? Where

“He came to the bakery! Can you believe that?” Hayna’s words tumbled out, her excitement palpable. “You should have seen his face He was so angry when he realized I baked the muffins he ate, Evelyn. If looks could set someone ablaze, he would have set me and the Bakery ablaze. And then-”

“Kayna, slow down,” Evelyn intermapted, trying to keep up with her friend’s rapid speech. “He was at the bakery, and he recognized you. What did you say to him?”

Rayna’s voice dropped slightly, tinged with a hint of frustration. “I didn’t even get a chance to say anything! He stormed out before I could explain or apologize. Can you believe that? He just walked out Evelyn!”

over her. “Maybe it’s for the best,” she said, trying to soothe her friend. “I mean, he probably needs time to cool off. But I’m sure he’ll get over it eventually. You did call him a pervert, after

Anyone would have done the same in my shoes,” Rayna said

want, maybe I could ask Derek if he could set up a meeting or something? You know, just so you

head. “No, I think I might run into him again. I’m starting to think this

mised a brow, “Fair” She asked in

This has to mean something. I mean, what are the odds of running into him again! First, we met at the club, and I had no idea he

Evelyn corrected, but Rayna continued

the bakery only to realize he

brother?” Evelyn

used to talk about him but I’ve never seen him. If this were a movie or one of

eyes, though a small smile tugged at her lips. “Rayna, seriously? You need to stop watching so many kdramas and reading those silly romance novels. They’re getting to your head.

“You’re never too old to believe in a litle romance, Evelyn. What if this is fate? What if I meet him again by

her. “Okay, let’s say you do run into him again. What then?

was a brief passe on the other end of

d then

boyfnend. I mean, why not! Every romane almost

a beginning, and maybe what happened at the

unbelievable, Rayna. I wish you good luck with asking a guy you’ve already called a pervert to be your hoyfriend. Tim sure that

back, her tone playful. “Stranger things

you you ser


She turned her head towards the kitchen, the stuell od scaunching kaming teaching her nose. Her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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