money today.”

Chapter 101

As Evelyn walked back into the house after Derek Jeff, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She barely had time to close the door before Samantha came barreling out of her room with the pure, unfiltered joy that only children can express.

“Moruny!” Samantha squealed, her arms outstretched as she ran straight for Evelyn, practically launching herself into her mother’s embrace.

Evelyn caught her mid–sride, lifting her effortlessly and holding her close. She inhaled the familiar scent of her daughter as the warmth of the hug seeped into her bones, easing the tension she hadn’t realized she still carried.

Evelyn smiled, her heart swelling as she looked into Samantha’s bright, eager blue eyes. “Are you that happy?” she asked, laughing softly.

Samantha nodded enthusiastically, her curls bouncing with every motion. “I’m very happy, Mommy! I love Rek.. no, I love my daddy.” She corrected herself proudly, her voice filled with certainty as if the mere acknowledgment solidified her newfound bond with Derek.

Evelyn’s laughter bubbled up, but there was a softness to it an echo of the joy that only this moment could bring. She pressed a kiss to Samantha’s forehead. I’m glad you’re happy, sweetheart.”

Her voice was thick with emotion, and when she glanced up, she saw Maya standing a few feet away, watching them with an expression that matched Evelyn’s own- tender, joyful, and a little bit in awe.

“I bet that was a surprise.” Evelyn said with a knowing look, her voice gently t

Maya chuckled, her gare warm as she watched Samantha’s happiness radiate through the room. “It was more than a surprise. Pleasantly so,” she admitted, her eyes lingering on Samantha. “Talways wondered why Sammy was so taken with him. It all makes sense now.”

Evelyn smiled softly, but a thread of concern tugged at her heart, winding tight as she thought about the future. The moment was perfect, but the road ahead still seemed uncertain. “We might have to move again soon” she said, her voice quieter as the looked between Maya and Samantha, her daughter still nestled in her arms.

Samantha’s bright eyes widened in curiosity. Evelyn’s chest

“Are we going to live with my daddy?” Her innocent question, laced with hope, sent a pang through

She hesitated, considering her words carefully: “We might eventually,” Evelyn said slowly, brushing a stray curl from Samantha’s face. “But not just yet. For now, we’re going to move to a safe place, and when the time is right, your daddy will come Live with us. Would you like that?”

Samantha’s face it up, her happiness practically radiating through the room. She bobbed her head eagerly. “Yes! Will he take me to school? Teach me how to ride my bike? And buy me dolls?” she asked in one breath, her excitement bubbling over.

Evelyn and Maya both burst into laughter, the sound light and unburdened. Tm sure he’d love to do all those things.” Evelyn said, her heart swelling at the image of Derek doting on their daughter.

your nap! I know you didn’t

floor, “why don’t you be a good girl and go take

for a moment, then nodded with a grin, skipping off toward her bedroom. Evelyn watched her go, her smile lingering

happy” Maya said; her smile was wide, her eyes crinkling at the


them was

I’ve done anything, but you’re welcome,”

stood there for a moment longer, absorbing the stillness that followed. Her heart felt light, almost unrecognizable compared to the weight it

needed to share this feeling to voice the excitement that buzzed in her chest. Without hesitation, she walked into her bedroom, picked up her

answered, her voice was full of playful suspicion. “Isn’t this like the third time we are talking today? Tell me you’re calling to tell me you’ve told Derek everything. If that’s not it, hang up

quickly spiraled into something joyful

Rayna grinned,

so much, Evelyn said, her words rushing out in an emotional downpour. “Thank you. Thank you for making ine do this. I don’t know why

laughed happily on the other end. “Did P Last I checked, you were asking yourself why you ever listened to me.” Rayna

12:21 PM

Chapter 101

something like that to my sweetest Ray. My genius. My drop of golden sun,” Evelyn said, her voice

hear what happened. Tell me all of it. Do not spare any detail, Wait.

away the happy tears in her eyes as she received the video call and a moment later. The moment the video connected. Evelyn found herself smiling even wider, the excitement barely contained

Rayna said, and Evelyn went on to tell her all that

door to the conversation with Derek, the anger, the relief, the understanding. As she spoke, tears streamed down her face, and true to form,

so mad like guys do in movies and novels. Derek is a ten. No. He’s a hundred over ten. I love him for you

soft laugh, shaking her head. “A hundred over ten is a ten, Ray. But yeah. He’s a

up. I feel like slapping

admitted with a sigh. “But we all can’t react to things in the same manner. And you should

Rayna conceded.

expression softening. “Yeah. I get that. You’re right

moment before Evelyn cleared her throat. “By the way, guess who was

raised a brow,



even higher. “You’ll never believe it. I guess I also haven’t told you that I have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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