Chapter 102

The moment Derek stepped into his suite, an uncontainable sarge of joy overtook him. He flicked his finger in the air, a grin spreading across his face as he moved to the rhythm of the victory beating inside him.

Without thinking, he glided across the floor in a smooth moonwalk, followed by a jubilant Michael Jackson spin, Laughing out loud. His Laughter echoed in the spacious room, filling every corner with his cuphoria. He was on top of the world.

Humming to himself, Derek began stripping off his clothes with the same excitement, eager to freshen up and head out. His shirt was the first to go, followed quickly by his trousers- until something small tumbled out of his pocket and hit the floor with a faint clink.

Derek paused, has brow furrowing in confusion. He stooped to retrieve the object, realizing it was a flash drive. His mind raced–how had it gotten there? Did someone ship it into his pocket? Who? When?

A flood of cunosity washed over him. Shrugging, he walked over to his nightstand where his laptop sat and plugged the drive in, impatient to

uncover its contents.

Derek’s heart skipped a beat as the files loaded on his screen. His breath caught in has throat, and a slow smile crept across his face, growing wider and wider until his cheeks ached from the sheer joy of it

Pictures filled the screen-

en–pictures of Samantha, his daughter. There she was, captured in precious moments frozen in time from birth to infanthood. Every laugh, every tiny hand reaching out every peaceful nap—it was all there. It was a treasure trove of memories he’d never seen yet missed

He lowered himself onto the edge of his bed, all thoughts of meeting Ethan shipping away as he scrolled through the images. Each picture struck a chord deep within him. There she was his little girl, growing up in front of his eyes, frame by frame. His fingers shook as they hovered over the keyboard, unable to tear himself away from the slideshow of her life.

His heart ached, both in sadness for the time he’d massed and in gratitude for the chance to see these moments now. His vision blurred as tears welled in his eyes, but a soft chuckle escaped him as one particularly goofy picture of baby Samantha popped up. Before he knew it, he was crying. laughing, and smiling all at once, emotions swirling through him like a storm he couldn’t control

He glanced at the time but didn’t care about how much of it had passed. There was no rush. With newfound determination, Derek connected his phone to his laptop, transferring the pictures and videos. He needed them close, to carry with him wherever he went, so he could look at them whenever the longing hit. He would make up for the time he lost. He promised himself that.

His phone suddenly rang, pulling him out of the trance he’d been in Ethan’s name flashed on the screen. Realizing how long he had been caught up in the emotional whirlwind, he answered the call hastily.

you, man?” Erhan’s voice asked, a playful impatience coloring his

ran a hand through his hair, already moving off the bed. “Sorry, I’ll be there in a bit,” he said, glancing at

pulled on fresh clothes. Pocketing his phone and grabbing his wallet and car keys, Derek was hallway to the door before he froze. His laptop. The flash drive. He couldn’t leave it out, not this- this was

to the bed, pulling the flash drive from the laptop. With a quick glance around the room, he walked over to his closet, sifting through the drawer unul he found an old pair

made his way to the car. The drive to the lounge was smooth, and the city lights reflected

spotted Ethan already seated at their usual table and waved him over. Derek


us the most expensive wine you’ve got, Derek

about! Don’t tell me

gha knowing smile tu

tugged at his lips

more than just agree. I feel like my heart’s about to burst from joy!” His voice shook slightly,

curiosity piqued, and he leaned forward. “What did she do? Come

out his phone and unlocked it,

was Samantha

stared at the picture

looking back at Derek, his eyes

barely a whisper. “Her name is Samantha.

Chapter 102

here!” Ethan said, unable to

I still can’t wrap my head around

kidding? This really is your daughter? The mystery lady has

down his cheeks as he wiped them away with a shaky laugh. “Yes. Evelyn has my daughter. I

he clapped Derek on the back “I can’t believe it!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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