Chapter 13

His body was warm, carrying a strong scent of alcohol, his hot breath lingering by her ear. He’s been drinking?

“Nash,” Nina called out. But Nash wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his head in her hair, and said in a low voice, “Don’t move, let me hold you for a while.” Now Nina didn’t move. She didn’t quite understand why he drank so much.

Under the covers, Nina lay for a long time, her body almost stiff, wondering when he would get up. But he showed no intention of getting up, just lingering on her, greedy. He wouldn’t mistake her for Miranda again, would he?

Nina called out again, “Nash…”

“I just want to lie like this for a while, Nina.” 1

Hearing this, Nina fell silent again. The fact that he called her name meant he


Chapter 13


didn’t see her as another woman. She rarely saw him in this state, feeling a bit

at a loss.

But her heart softened, fearing he would fall asleep like this, fearing he would catch a cold. She nudged him, “Don’t sleep like this. Either take a bath or cover yourself properly…”

Nash rolled over, and with a lift of his hand, Nina and the blanket were in his arms. He held her tightly, her nose filled with his breath, alcohol, and his fresh


At the same time, she was flustered, her eyes meeting his. He hadn’t closed his eyes, his deep gaze fixed on her, brows slightly furrowed, as if not too pleased. Why did she have to speculate whether he was happy or not? Was she thinking too much? She didn’t want to pay too much attention to him.

Nash’s hand caressed her forehead. The

warmth of his large palm made her feel unfamiliar. She tilted her head slightly, causing Nash to pause, and he asked


Chapter 13


carefully, “Does it hurt?”

Nina felt a sourness in her nose, perhaps from too much grievance, unable to withstand his concern. “Why are you asking these questions?” Her words carried a tone of complaint.

Nash patted her back as if to soothe her emotions. “I won’t let you go to such dangerous places again in the future.”

Was he really concerned about her? Just a moment ago, he was saying their

marriage was just a transaction, telling her not to overthink.

him again. This time, he had closed his eyes, but his hand continued to comfort her. In that moment, Nina felt like he belonged to her. Only when he was drunk did their relationship become closer, like an ordinary couple.

wanting to touch his face, wanting to get closer to him. But her hand stopped in mid–air, and ultimately,



Chapter 13

well, this was just a fleeting moment, and

morning, everything would return to normal. He was Nash, and she could

feeling his heartbeat and hearing his steady breathing. He must have fallen asleep. She finally spoke, relieved, “Nash, if I were the one you loved, even

was actually very easy to please but the idea of

her eyes too, hoping time could stop, so she wouldn’t have

day, the bed was cold,

and found a note on the bedside, with a few lines written in

“I’ve gone



Chapter 13

rest. Remember

hundred thousand he spent on Miranda yesterday. Did he think that she knew about

her, what was the point? In fact, divorce meant starting a whole

stayed by his side for seven years. Her beautiful youth, her happiest

ache. She had spent all her courage, only to leave

sacrifice everything for a man. One–sided infatuation always ended up




Chapter 13

a drawer and didn’t take it out again.

also messaged her, saying her art exhibition was starting today and asking her to come and support her. Despite Yvonne’s

brought a bouquet of flowers, and Yvonne, who was entertaining guests,

back and congratulated

there to congratulate? It’s just routine,” Yvonne said, taking the flowers. “I’m really happy you came. You’re always so busy

a bit embarrassed. “It’s my oversight.”

friend, and I understand,” Yvonne reassured

very busy with work. She only had time to occasionally catch up with Yvonne. She realized she had never attended Yvonne’s professional events before; this

again, “How’s

that up, are you trying to get me divorced, or are you trying

got hit? Nash is even

should hold him

Yvonne exclaimed.

Nina said. “No smart person would sign such an agreement, and how could

just want to stand up for you.

Chapter 13


away unscathed, ready to enjoy himself with other women, while you’ve lost so many years of your youth. Even if you divorce, he should cough up something! If he

unhappy about the topic, Nina › interjected, “Let’s not talk

you invite me to witness your achievements? Let’s talk about something

I’ll always be here

warmed Nina’s heart, and she smiled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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