Chapter 14

The woman was the editor–in–chief of a certain magazine: “I’ve only heard about your boyfriend, but never seen him. It’s quite intriguing.”

Miranda casually adjusted her hair and said tactfully, “I don’t like him appearing in public, so I never let him accompany me to events. But when we get married one day, I’ll be sure to invite you.”

“Keeping it mysterious, huh? Well, then I’ll look forward to it.”

The editor–in–chief turned to see Nina nearby, nodding politely to her. “Nina, nice to see you again.”

Nina also recognized her; they had met before when she wanted to interview Nash. It was through this connection that she succeeded to interview him.

She responded lightly, “Hi, Cally.”

“Do you two know each other?” Cally looked at both of them.

Miranda said, “We do, but we’re not particularly close.”

She deliberately distanced herself from Nina.

Nina followed her lead, saying, “When Miranda returned to the country, the

headlines about her fiancé were so big that Cally got curious. I was curious too, thinking he came back from abroad. But it seems not.”

Cally was puzzled and asked, “Isn’t it?”

“Oh, that was just media speculation,” Miranda said calmly.

She had intentionally orchestrated that report to test Nash, to see if he would care about her having a fiancé. But she heard that night Nash drank quite a bit, indicating he still cared about her.

“My boyfriend has always been in the country, waiting for me for many years. Our relationship is stable, so I would never have an affair with others,” she said, looking directly at Nina, clearly

that regardless of whether they got married or not, Miranda’s feelings

felt uneasy in her heart, but she was Nash’s rightful wife. It was not Miranda’s place

Nina looked directly at Miranda. “The media is powerful, and Miranda is popular. Shouldn’t there be some clues? Has Miranda done a good job of keeping things secret? I often read gossip news, and the last time a female celebrity was in

her words. came out, they would inadvertently

editor–in–chief was also waiting for an explanation. Seeing

hesitated. “Miranda, that’s not possible,

they all knew that. They had never considered such a thing. But as a public figure,

indeed more than a little

Miranda’s heart, hitting her inner defenses. She clenched her fists tightly. “How

to become a laughingstock at

dress again and said, A two hundred–thousand–dollar dress, it’s

fell, Cally also asked, “What coincidental thing?”

at Miranda, her smile seemingly innocent but her words like a

said it, but some CEO cheated and spent two hundred thousand dollars on his credit card for his


were for Nash, as long as her marriage remained intact, Miranda would forever have

was a public figure and wouldn’t risk her future. She wouldn’t want others to know that she loved someone else’s husband. Even

looking very aggrieved and not saying anything, Nina changed the subject again, “Of course, Miranda, I’m not implying anything about you. It just seems too coincidental. I believe you

covet someone else’s husband.”

clever person and didn’t want the situation to become too tense. She continued, “I also know Miranda well;

eyes slightly red, but she could only force a smile, “You guys

people were outside looking at the exhibition, so there. weren’t many people inside.

not convinced.

in front of Nina, so she followed and spoke

Nina ignored her.

eyes were red. “Just now, were you hoping

a sip of her drink. “If

you could

would be the one marrying him. Nash has always loved me,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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