Chapter 24

Even the person who wanted to hit Nina could only cover her face, holding back her grievances. Nash stared coldly at: them. “Don’t you understand the situation? Who should you apologize to?”

They immediately understood and hurried to Nina, speaking humbly, Sorry, Nina, we shouldn’t have

speculated randomly. We know we were wrong and won’t dare to do it again.”

They knew Nash’s power. Here, no matter how capable they were, they shouldn’t oppose the York family. If they offended him, they could forget about having a good time in the company in the future. They still had families, children, parents, and couldn’t risk their jobs.

Nina naturally wouldn’t hold it against them, but she still hadn’t understood why Nash was here, staring at him blankly. “What are you doing here?”

Nash looked at her, his dissatisfaction

palpable. He grabbed her arm, still angry, and said coldly, “Come home with me!”

Nina shook off his hand. “Why should I go with you? We have nothing to do with each other.”

Their conversation left everyone present confused. Everyone knew Nina was Nash’s secretary; there was no reason to bring up going home. Nash smelled the alcohol on her and became even more displeased. “What else do you want?”

With the alcohol emboldening her, Nina stared at him. “Can’t you see? The class reunion isn’t over yet.”

Nash’s patience wore thin. He adjusted his tie and said coldly, “Class reunion? Haven’t you been bullied enough? Come with me now!”

Furrowing his brows, he grabbed Nina’s hand and headed out.

At that moment, Scott hurried over. He caught Nina’s other hand and said

politely, “Mr. York, Nina has finished work. Is it appropriate to do this?”

at him coldly. “And what can you do? Just

apologized to Nina. ” I’m sorry, I didn’t take care of you properly just now, and you had

her alone to


Just a few words from others, what does it have to do with you? In this world, with so many people and so many

He had just defended her, and now she was


she had come and handed her suit jacket to Scott. “Here’s your jacket. Take it.”

it. “I’ll take you home—”

at Scott. ” I’ll take her.”

has finished work. She has

glanced at Nina, feeling increasingly irritated. His

now, Mr. Lucas. My relationship with Nina is much

make things awkward and looked at Scott.

at Nina. “Are

“I’m fine.”

you can’t,

Don’t drive yourself.”

to hear

He hoisted Nina onto his shoulders and sternly ordered, “Let’s go

around her, Nina was startled, feeling nauseous. She was on the verge of throwing up, squirming in his arms. “Nash, what are you doing? This is making me uncomfortable. Put

the two of them disappeared from everyone’s

just boss

something more between them?“!

If it was just a boss and secretary, there wouldn’t

I trust Nina more.”

they moved on,

again. Nash frowned at her slightly intoxicated face, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. He expressed irritation, “You’ve become bolder. Who allowed you to drink outside?

already feeling dizzy and couldn’t make sense of things. She leaned against him, unable to discern

growing colder. “Not talking? You usually only drink tea with me at the table, but now you’re drinking with Scott.

that his shirt was wet. He

considerably. “What’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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