Chapter 25

Thinking about the grievances she had endured, Nina cried even harder. Her

tears attracted onlookers.

“Hey buddy, did you upset your girlfriend? Look at her crying like that, she must have been really upset!” A passerby couldn’t help but comment upon seeing the situation.

Nash didn’t want to deal with this in

public. He had never encountered such a situation before. “She’s just throwing a tantrum. She’ll be fine in a while,” he said.

He tried to pick up Nina to take her away, but she clung to him like an eel, crying loudly.

“Patience is key when coaxing your girlfriend,” another passerby advised. ” You must have upset her for her to refuse to leave with you. No girl gets angry for no reason.”

Nash had no idea why she was angry. He wasn’t even angry himself, so where was her temper coming from? But seeing her cry so much, he didn’t know what to say.

Nash got a headache. He had never comforted a woman like this before, feeling awkward and helpless. It was even harder than negotiating a business deal. ” Nina, how can I make you not angry?” he asked.

Nina lifted her head, seeing Nash bowing his head. She opened her arms. “Carry me, and I’ll tell you.”

“I told you, your girlfriend is upset,” the passerby chuckled.

Although Nash didn’t quite understand, he complied with Nina’s request,

squatting down and carrying her on his back.

Nina leaned against his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face and dripping onto Nash’s neck.

said, “Stop crying. You’re a

crying like a

me, why would I cry? ” Nina muttered into his

Nash remained silent.

half awake, her hands tightly wrapped around his neck. ” Nash, this is


to be

you come find

was worried you might be at a


“Well, at

carry me all this way is not for a loss.”

you like it?”

Nina replied. “This feels like

the same things

sweet. Unfortunately, those

were rare.

might be our last intimate moment. When we divorce, you won’t be able to carry me anymore. You’ll have someone else to carry

to hold back,

this, Nash furrowed his brows and instinctively held Nina tighter. ” Nina, if you don’t want to divorce-“|



furrowed even tighter, just

to take Nash had already been called to escort someone

on Nash, Quincy was surprised. “Mr. York, your clothes are dirty. Nina’s drunk, it’s

now she had vomited on him. Tomorrow, Nina was likely to suffer again.

Instead, he placed Nina in the passenger seat and glanced back at Quincy. “I’ll drive myself, you can go

Nina. “Don’t you need me to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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