Chapter 26

Upon hearing this, Nash looked over and noticed that she was scratching her hand, which had developed a rash. He immediately grabbed her arm to prevent her from scratching recklessly. “Stop scratching,” he said in a deep voice.

Nina was in great discomfort. “It’s itchy, “she replied.

Nash furrowed his brows and said

gravely, “You’re allergic to alcohol and yet you drank so much.”

Nina was a bit disoriented as she opened her eyes and seemed to see Nash’s figure. “Where am I?” she asked.

“At home,” he replied.

Nash took off her shoes, then removed her clothes that were in the way and tucked her into bed.

Nina became somewhat clear–headed, recalling that she had attended a class reunion, where she had a bit to drink and

minor issues. It was at this critical moment that Nash appeared. “Did

went to the bathroom and brought back a basin of hot water, dampening a towel to gently wipe her arms. Her small arms were red and covered in a rash, with traces of scratching. “Who else but me?

It was dangerous for someone allergic to alcohol to

become gentler as a whole. She was somewhat touched and asked,

her. “Otherwise, how would you sleep tonight? I don’t want to sleep with a drunkard,” he replied.

well. However, Nina still felt itchy all

headache and feeling a bit weak. She never

with a glass of water and two pills in hand, offering them to

her eyes. “What are

Taking them will help a bit,” Nash said softly. “Be

coaxing her like a child.

seen before, as if he had become different. But she didn’t know why he had suddenly become so patient. Perhaps he really didn’t

instructions and swallowed the pills, then lay back in bed, feeling drowsy and

her flushed face, still

her usual aloof demeanor, she seemed a bit more

gently separating the strands of hair covering her face

her face, she turned over and hugged Nash’s arm with both

didn’t move, observing her

hand still itched a bit, and Nina subconsciously tried to scratch it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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