Chapter 70

Listening to this, Yvonne was instantly stunned and looked at Nina, “So, you’re saying that this

revelation about her relationship with Nash is also a strategic move for her. What a clever tactic!”

“If you had such a strong supporter like Nash, someone who stands by you completely, wouldn’t you make the most of it?” Nina posed a very practical question.

Anyone would seize such an opportunity. Missing this chance would be a huge loss.

Yvonne was infuriated, nearly losing her mind. How can we let her have it so easy!”

They walked inside.

“Oh, Yvonne and Nina,” the store manager greeted them with a worried expression, not knowing what to do. However, upon seeing them, she put on a smile and welcomed them warmly, “You’re here.”

The store manager was acquainted with Yvonne, as she herself was

a well–known designer and considered to be in the same profession as Yvonne. Her creations had graced numerous prestigious

fashion weeks and were favored by celebrities on the red carpet.

Yvonne stated, “We’re here to select dresses. I’ll pick one, and Nina will choose another. They need to be stunning, high–quality, and one–of–a–kind. Especially the one for her!”


Chapter 70

features the latest styles, with models yet to showcase them. Given your stature, we’ll let you be the first to

“Really? Then let’s go take

the store manager guided.

your turn to choose. You have to find something perfect!”

them to

space, but there were relatively few garments, all wrapped in white cloth.

announced the store

removed, unveiling over a dozen

a professional, was impressed. “These

time browsing,” the store manager

the designer pieces, which echoed the designer’s personal vision, diverging from mainstream trends and thus appearing highly innovative, particularly due

up a light yellow gown and


Chapter 70

you think this suits

in everything. This dress complements your personality–gentle and elegant.”

put it

didn’t quite understand, “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it? It seems perfect for

one set apart on

set of red evening

hem trailed long, adorned with meticulously embroidered roses. Initially appearing vibrant, upon closer inspection, the dress didn’t entail as many

this set,” Nina

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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