Chapter 71

Nina instantly fell in love with this gown and went to the changing room.

Yvonne waited by the side, selecting her gown while waiting. When Nina emerged, Yvonne turned around and looked at Nina, who stood tall and beautiful. Her every expression exuded an elegant and unparalleled grace, stunning Yvonne. She couldn’t help but applaud, “Nina, you’ve truly amazed the! I never knew you could be so stunning!”

Nina’s hair cascaded down, her fair skin complemented by the crimson color, enhancing her complexion. The strapless bodice perfectly accentuated her well–shaped bust, while her

slender waist, graspable with just one hand, accentuated her graceful curves. The skirt hem was adorned with hand–sewn roses, vivid and lifelike.

The perfection of this gown lies in its understated elegance, perfectly showcasing a woman’s fullness and delicacy.

As Yvonne looked at Nina, she saw the proudest rose among the thorns. The flowers adorn the person, but the person outshines the flowers.

Standing in front of the mirror, Nina felt different, exuding much more femininity. “I think it’s quite good,” she remarked.

approached. Even catching a glimpse of Nina’s silhouette, with her graceful figure and slender waist,



elated, “Nina, this is splendid! When I designed it, I didn’t envision it quite like this, but seeing you wear it, I feel like this gown was tailored just for you. It’s just not quite finished yet, but I’ve already found some inspiration. I’m confident that once

holding the gown. Observing her beautiful reflection in the mirror, she felt satisfied. “Since it’s not quite finished, I’ll take it off for now.”

was a pity that the gown wasn’t finished and asked, “Liz, can

it requires several embroiderers working together, so it’s

a high position in the industry, with so many celebrities and artists showing you respect, yet they show you no respect. What are you afraid of? If you don’t comply with their demand, what can they

I wouldn’t be so bothered. It’s not Miranda I’m worried about; it’s the York family,” the

stand Miranda’s behavior. On the surface, she seemed gentle and pitiable, but behind the scenes,


Miranda didn’t have the ability. “Liz, you don’t need to be afraid. Just because Miranda claims she’ll be Mrs. York in the future, does that mean she will be? It depends on whether

seeing Yvonne’s firm assurance, believed her without a doubt. She also recalled how much she suffered under Miranda. If it weren’t for Nash supporting Miranda, she wouldn’t have endured it for

making you suffer, I definitely won’t stand idly by. You know what kind of person I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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