Chapter 80

Nina smirked. It hurt, so this wasn’t a dream after all.

Nash was really massaging her feet. Noticing her expression, Nash thought he might have pressed too hard and instinctively asked, “Did I hurt you?

Nina shook her head.“No, you didn’t.” She paused, her nose slightly moist, and said, “I just didn’t expect you to be like this.”

To her, his tenderness was surprising. Nash lifted his deep gaze, noticing her bright yet somewhat pitiful eyes, and he softly said, “I’m sorry you had to endure this.”

Nina shook her head and remained silent. She wasn’t enduring anything. She just loved him but couldn’t have him. As Nash rubbed her feet, the warmth of his touch eased Nina’s discomfort. She focused on gazing at him, soaking in his tenderness while remaining clear-


Her eyes fell on his deep gaze, his prominent nose bridge, and then his rosy lips… At that moment, she felt overwhelmed with emotions, and finally, she couldn’t resist calling out,

her voice,

his neck, closed her eyes, and kissed him. As her red lips pressed firmly against his, she summoned every ounce of her courage,

deeper. He wrapped his arm around her waist, deepening the kiss.

Quincy hurried over, witnessing the scene, instantly frozen in embarrassment and confusion.

pushing Nash away, wiping off any traces from her lips, and turning her head aside. Only Nash remained

I came at the wrong time,”

leave, but Nina anxiously stopped him, “Come back,

York was worried that Mrs. York’s feet might

awkward. They used to be colleagues, so she wasn’t

Nash said

command, Quincy quickly handed them over. Nash took the shoes and helped


put them on.

moment that Nina realized how attentive Nash could be. He knew her feet were hurting without her having to say anything, understanding that


her shoes. In that moment, Nina felt


surprisingly light but still had some concerns.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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