Chapter 81

“You can still call me Nina,” Nina said, “You suddenly changed how you address me. I’m a bit uncomfortable, especially since we’re outside and there are many people watching.”

Quincy didn’t understand. They were clearly husband and wife, so why keep it a secret?

But it was their business, and he didn’t want to pry.

He simply complied with Nina’s request, “Okay, Nina.”

Nina finished eating and headed towards the auction area.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone. Following her professional habit, Nina apologized first, “Sorry for bumping into you.

“It’s okay, Nina, thank you for that glass of lemon water.”

She looked up and surprisingly, it was Penelope.

Nina politely greeted, “Penelope.”

“Nina, you look beautiful

Mr. York’s secretary, just his companion. Mr. York is already married. I’m just a humble secretary, let’s not have

at Nina for a while before replying, “I spoke out of turn.


“It’s about to start, Penelope,


they entered the venue one after the other.

main focus was on

wasn’t anything special; the York Corporation held it

the charity foundation established by the


tracks, hesitant


overheard the

admitting to his marriage, his connection with Miranda

behind him, but undoubtedly, the patron behind Miranda


Clearly not.

surface, but her gaze occasionally drifted

until the auction officially began

was by Sally’s side. This made it clear that despite her

seemed very

thinking about?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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