Chapter 86


The person on the other end hesitated for a moment. “Someone did see Nina in the office, but no one was keeping watch, so we can’t guarantee she was there the whole time.”

It was a mystery.

He had once questioned Nina’s suspicion.

In his memory, Nina had always maintained her boundaries with him, never making any mistakes, so he didn’t have too many doubts.

Recalling the moment, Nina seemed quite flustered.

She was the only woman who could get close to him.

But he was certain it couldn’t have been Miranda.

Nash hung up the phone, shut down the computer, and left the study.

In the bedroom, the lights were on, but Nina wasn’t inside.

Even her phone was left on the bed.

He searched around but didn’t find her, then asked the helper, “Where is Nina?”

York was seen going downstairs just now.”

in the villa, and she hadn’t taken her phone, which worried Nash. He quickly made a

spinning. As she took in her surroundings, she realized she was in



at her, her voice hoarse and weak, “What’s wrong with

collapsed on the roadside, and a kind–hearted person brought you to the hospital. How could a young lady like you be out so late at night without a

happened yesterday, a

low blood sugar, and we haven’t completed your admission yet. Notify


the admission procedures,” the nurse reminded her again.


would only worry them.


aware that any improvements were mere illusions

much will it cost?” Nina’s face paled. “Can I check out of the hospital?”


IV bag, replied, “What’s the matter? You’re

your family, what else can

her gaze. “I don’t have

and said, “You must have some

Nina fell silent..

accompany you in your current state.” The nurse didn’t dare leave

really don’t have any

have no family? You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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