Chapter 87

“Quarrels between husband and wife happen all the time; it’s just part of marriage. What’s the big deal? I’ll let Nash know you’re in the hospital so he won’t worry himself sick about you.” Nina internally resisted. “Please, don’t tell him.”

“Didn’t you hear what the nurse said? You need to notify your family. Without that you can’t leave the hospital,” Caleb insisted.

Nina glanced at Caleb. “I hope you stay out of this.”

Her complexion was dreadful, and she was stubborn, but her tone mirrored Nash’s. Truly like a married couple.

Caleb continued, “Nash has been searching all over for you. I’ve already reached out to him, and he’ll be here at the hospital soon.”

Nina pursed her lips tightly. She didn’t want to, but Caleb was Nash’s friend, surely biased toward him.

Afraid that Nina might try to escape, Caleb kept a close eye on her until Nash arrived at the hospital.

He was out of breath. Upon seeing Nina, he finally relaxed and walked over briskly. “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?” He reached out to touch Nina’s forehead.

hovered in the air for a moment, noticing her pale complexion and distant demeanor before he withdrew

you collapsed halfway. Why weren’t you at home?

for a walk, didn’t

shrugged and honestly replied,

anxious heart significantly eased. He arranged for Nina to be

Nash could sense her

sighed, “Ah, Nina

furrowed his brows


woman’s heart is like finding a needle in a haystack, you can search for ages and still not

were indeed

married? Women

glance and commanded coldly, “Not busy with work?

Caleb didn’t press further, not wanting to stir up trouble. With a polite smile, he made a

the room, finding Nina turned away from him, evidently in a mood. His tone was cool

bright and

telling herself, what

to his indifference, his unattainable love? Why should she

seen it coming from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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