Chapter 94

The two of them shared a laugh. Yvonne had another meeting to rush to, so they went their separate ways after chatting for a while.

Instead of heading home, Nina found herself wandering aimlessly, her mind blank, unsure of her thoughts. Almost instinctively, she ended up at the middle school she had attended over a decade ago.

As society had progressed, the middle school had seen significant changes, with renovations. and expansions resulting in several new buildings. However, the stone at the entrance, weathered by time, remained unchanged, still bearing the inscription “Bright Middle School.”

This was where she had spent her middle school years, the place where she had first encountered Nash.

She would never forget that day, August 13th, when she had come close to death.

It happened right at this school gate, just after noon dismissal. Like most of her classmates, she had walked out of the school gate when several masked kidnappers appeared, carrying large bags on their shoulders and guns in their hands.

During that chaotic era,

students were abducted.

firearms were prohibited, but human greed couldn’t be curbed. Many

And she had been one of them.

her neck and pressing a gun against

had been just fifteen years

situation. She had heard screams, people running, and

palms were sweating, and she didn’t dare

a nearby mall, and as one of their backpacks tore open, a

when she realized–they were robbing a

criminals, showing no regard for the lives of the students they had abducted. Cornered and surrounded by police outside, they were ready to use the students as bargaining chips, even

gunfire reverberated in her ears, making


one before her eyes. She felt a chill run through her as she stared wide–eyed with fear, knowing that


was a bang.

sound of the gunshot echoed, but

him. His forehead was covered in sweat,

his life for her. He quickly got up without hesitation, like a fearless warrior her, engaging in a struggle with the kidnapper.


out, glass shattered, blood splattered everywhere. Nina feared for his life, her terrified mind teetering on the brink of

of the criminals,

him still alive, struggling to restrain the kidnapper. He was gasping for breath, blood

but doctors and nurses rushed over, placing him on

lay on the stretcher, relaxed, smiling nonchalantly: “No big

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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