Chapter 95

She had a conviction back then, believing she had to find the young man who had saved her, refusing to be forever trapped in the shadows. Taking a six–month hiatus from school, she later returned, diligently scouring for information about the young man.

Eventually, she discovered his name was Nash and he attended the city’s top high school. His name lacked the letter “Z,” yet people called him Zac. She found it odd but figured it might be his nickname.

She worked hard and managed to gain admission to his high school. However, she merely observed quietly from afar, never intruding on his space. He excelled in basketball, academics, and came from a wealthy family. He was so outstanding that she felt she wasn’t worthy of him, so she just kept silent.

Even as she passed by him, he wouldn’t spare her a second glance, having long forgotten the girl he once rescued.


Nina was lost in her thoughts, reminiscing on the past with bitterness, excitement, and affection, until her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

Turning around, she spotted Scott approaching from nearby.

Quickly regaining her composure, Nina offered a faint smile. “Scott, you’re here too.”

to bump into you


It’s been

the students inside. Seeing them now was like glimpsing her past self, so inexperienced and


his lips to involuntarily curl up. Quickly,

to face him. “Why


Wallace stepped out, warmly welcoming Scott and quickly shaking his hand. “It’s a rare


come on in!”

Nina, feeling a sense of familiarity. Suddenly, it dawned on him. “This must be Nina, the talented one. It’s been a while since I

had been her chemistry teacher and homeroom instructor back then. Over a decade. had passed, and now his hair was gray, with wrinkles lining his

politely, “Principal Wallace,

with delight. “No need to be so formal. Just call me Wallace. Today is a good day. I get to see two

abroad and hasn’t returned. I understand that. But Nina, you graduated and never came to visit me. I have to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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