Chapter 101

“Well, Nina looks so beautiful, there must be many people chasing after her, naturally, she has high standards,” Wallace looked at Scott again, “But Scott is also quite impressive, young and full of potential, with a great personality and boundless prospects!”

Listening to his praise, Nash’s expression visibly soured. It was clear that Wallace was highly pleased with Scott and was actively attempting to set them

  1. up.

Scott looked at Nash and smiled, “Mr. Wallace, you’re too kind in your praise. However, Nina is the best person in the world. She deserves to be loved and cherished.”

Nina felt moved by Scott’s words, even though she was taken aback. He said she was the best person in the world, deserving of love and care. No girl could resist such tenderness.

Nash also observed Nina’s gaze towards Scott, which seemed to suggest she was moved by him, stirring a discomfort deep within him.

He instinctively adjusted his tie and remarked coldly, “Actions speak louder than words. When Nina faced her toughest challenges, Mr. Lucas was nowhere to be found offering assistance.” Scott’s gaze narrowed slightly. During Nina’s most trying moments, he hadn’t been there for her..It felt like a thorn in his heart. Despite his personal growth, he never had the chance to offer tangible assistance to Nina.

replied, “Mr. York

changed the subject, “It’s quite cool outside. Shall we go

also reacted, “Yes, let’s go

serene, and sophisticated, catering to the affluent.

young woman approached, calling out, “Dad!”

immediately softened with indulgence. “Melody, you’re

glanced at them. “Are

“This is Scott, my student, who’s now a big shot in the finance industry. This is Nina, who was always an ace in school and is now

she focused her attention on Nash.



with a smile, “Mr. York, hello. I’ve heard about you for quite some time and have always wanted my dad to introduce us. But he always declined.

met before. She only knew that the daughter was studying abroad. Today, upon meeting her, Nina found her to be a lively and outgoing girl with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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