Chapter 102

Wallace only had this one precious daughter, and he adored her immensely. In front of guests, he might say a few words, but at home, she was the apple of his eye, and he cherished her beyond measure.

He seldom took Melody out unless she was interested. But he had never taken her to meet Nash. Nash was such a headstrong person, he worried that his daughter couldn’t handle him.

Previously, he had thought about introducing Melody to Scott. Scott had a good personality, and if his daughter married him, she wouldn’t suffer. But things had changed now; Scott liked Nina, and they could all see that.

Melody was more interested in Nash, so he could only comply with her wishes and see if it could work out.

Besides them, Wallace also had some friends coming over. They were mostly uncles and older relatives who had watched Melody grow up and were quite fond of her. When they arrived, they inquired about her well–being, and Melody greeted them graciously.

After everyone had gathered, Melody looked at Nash and asked, “Mr. York, do you have any dietary restrictions? Or is there anything you particularly like to eat?”

Nash was taken aback by the sudden question and responded curtly, “I’ll leave the ordering up to you.”

uncles and older relatives couldn’t help teasing, “Melody, with so many of us around, you didn’t ask us first but went straight to Mr. York. Looks like our daughter has really grown

embarrassment, “Don’t tease me, I know all of you well. How could I not know what you like?”

a notion to familiarize her with Nash

came for Nash,

women come for him. But Melody’s approach was the most direct she had

Nash, who lifted his glass to

future plans. Nina learned that Nash had collaborations with Wallace. These were matters in which Nina didn’t need to


didn’t forget to serve her

looked at Scott and asked when he was free, “Scott, about

hide anything. Previously, he didn’t

the reunion that you liked someone.

in a difficult spot, so I

say. She still

bowing her head, Scott gently asked, “You must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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