Miranda announced, "I need to go to the hospital."

The director was taken aback. Nobody had ever disrupted filming so abruptly for a hospital visit.

Miranda clarified, "Director, Nash got injured and is in the hospital. I'm worried about him and want to check on his condition."

Realizing it was Nash, and considering that he had introduced Miranda to the production, the director felt obliged to show her some leniency.

"Fine, you can go," he reluctantly agreed. Although he wasn't pleased about halting production for a day, he had no choice but to endure it.

Miranda felt a wave of relief. At least she wouldn't lose her role due to her absence. She smiled and said, "Thank you, director. Nash and I will treat you to dinner after we finish filming." With that, she hurried away.

Other actors began to voice their complaints.

"Director, you can't let the whole crew suffer because of one person. My mother is sick, but I haven't left the set. Why does she get preferential treatment?"

at the disgruntled actors and replied bluntly,

words left

Miranda is still so

his decision. What else

she receive special treatment? She lacks

different destinies. Some are born to be

witnessed many people who came

supporting role in her first film, surpassing others

from the York Corporation, with Nash being her backing, the director had to provide her with the best hotels and dressing rooms. With

the hospital bed, his condition did not improvement and had worsened. Quincy expressed concern, "Mr. York, you haven't eaten anything all day. You should have

Nash's expression remained cold,

no appetite. He just stared at his

there was no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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