Regardless of his anger, Nash should not joke about his own health. However, Nash couldn't focus on Quincy's words because his mind was consumed with Nina's decision to leave. When did it become her turn to leave him behind?

"Call Nina," Nash said, his expression icy.

Quincy hesitated, not fully comprehending Nash's intentions. Their marriage reaching this point was unexpected and bewildering. No wonder they kept it a secret. Quincy used to believe that Nash loved Nina, but now it appeared that his love wasn't as strong as he had imagined.

Taking out his phone, Quincy said, "Alright, Mr. York."

He dialed Nina's number. Coincidentally, Nina happened to be at home with her parents at that moment.

Zion insisted on being discharged from the hospital even though the doctor said his fracture wasn't severe. They agreed to let him leave, but there was a lingering silence among them. They avoided discussing the incident, even though their faces didn't show much happiness.

Lily and Sue were both called to the police station on charges of defamation and disturbing public order. The evidence against them was conclusive, and they would have to face legal consequences. The police asked Nina if she wanted to press charges.

wanted to deal with her parents first before going to the police station. As soon as she got home, she received a phone call. Thinking it might be from the

her to stay at the York residence to avoid gossip. She said, "Nina, I'll tidy up your room.

stepped out, quickly answering the call,

"Nina, it's Quincy here."

knowing his instructions. Since it wasn't a call from the police station,

remained expressionless, calmly stating, "Tell Nina that my clothes are stained with blood and it's uncomfortable. I

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his clothes are

to change clothes and involve her? Nina pursed her lips and said, "He wants to change clothes. Can't you help him with that?" Quincy glanced at Nash. Indeed, why would Nash need Nina's help to change clothes? Quincy covered the receiver and said, "Mr. York, Nina says you can ask me for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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