Quincy glanced at Nash once more. "Nina said it is on the left side of the walk-in closet. You can ask the helper to find."

Nash furrowed his brows. "What about the overcoat? The one that's camel-colored?"

"That coat is hanging in the wardrobe," Nina added.

"No need for a sweater, I'll wear a suit. Find the blue striped tie," Nash instructed.

Nina frowned. "Which blue tie are you referring to? We have several."

"The one with vertical stripes."

"It's in the twenty-eighth slot of the tie box," Nina promptly replied, anticipating Nash's next question.

provide all the details. "Mr. York, all your suits and shirts, except those at the dry cleaner's, are in the wardrobe and easily accessible for the helper. As for the winter clothes, they're neatly stored in the walk-in closet. I've organized them by category, making it easy for the

three years, she had taken care of every aspect of Nash's life - knowing his preferences, dressing style, and even remembering every watch he owned. She believed it was

spoke, silence fell on the other end. Seeing no response for a while,

other expression, his

his displeasure evident on his face, blaming Nina for not finding any fault

Nina realized that Nash was deliberately picking a fight. She didn't want to say more and simply said, "If there's nothing else, then I'll hang up." Without waiting for Quincy to respond, Nina ended the

of relief. In the past, whenever Nash needed something, she would immediately find it and have it sent to him as quickly as possible. Actually, refusing Nash wasn't that difficult. She just needed to overcome her inner


her usual self. Additionally, Nash appeared even more unwell than before, as if the hospital could engulf him at any moment. Nash

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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