Quincy had no choice but to hang up. Just after he hung up, the phone rang again.

"Mr. York, it might be something urgent," Quincy said.

Nash was reading today's newspaper. He looked up as the phone rang again, this time from Yvonne. Normally, her calls didn't come through to him. If they did, it had to be related to Nina. Nash closed the newspaper. "Give it to me."

Quincy handed the phone to Nash. As soon as he answered, he heard Yvonne's urgent voice on the other end. "Nash, why aren't you answering your phone? Don't you care about Nina anymore?" Hearing her urgency, Nash pursed his lips. "What's going on?"

"Nina's phone is not working!" Yvonne said anxiously. "She was supposed to meet me an hour ago, but she didn't show up. She's always on time and never disappears without reason. I think something has happened to her!"

Nash's heart tightened. Any lingering resentment disappeared in that moment, and he sat up straight. "Did she mention where she was going?"

Yvonne regretted not asking more questions. "I didn't ask. I don't know."

"I'll find out."

time to talk to Yvonne, as finding Nina was urgent. He ended the call quickly and, despite the IV still attached

well-being, finding Nina was now the top priority. He promptly ordered someone to prepare

the doctor called out, "Mr. York, where are you going? Your body hasn't fully recovered from the surgery.

wouldn't have disappeared without reason. Missing

in and asked, "Have you found out where Nina

the police station and then to a

she go to a private hospital? He remembered her last visit to the hospital, claiming it was for irregular menstruation, but nothing came of it. Now she had gone

out why she went

strange. She seemed eager to divorce him and kept pushing him

go there anyway," Nash

arrived at the private hospital. The car was parked in the underground garage, and

Quincy said, picking up the phone lying next to

the ground, and her bag was in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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