Nash quickly grabbed his phone and located the person in the surveillance footage. Unaware of being recorded, the person tried to avoid the cameras, changed clothes in a blind spot, and left. It took some time, but Nash eventually found him.

"Let's leave right away!" Nash exclaimed, and they quickly got into the car to follow the trail.

Nina felt exhausted, her body devoid of strength. Despite resting, she felt trapped in a state of lethargy, unable to wake up.

She heard a muffled and distant voice, "What should we do now?"

"We've tied her up. It's time to get rid of her!" a female voice replied.

"Get rid of her? You want me to have blood on my hands? She's my niece. No, I just want money!" Xander hesitated, never intending harm. "Call Nash. If he wants his wife back, he'll bring money!" "No, you can't call him! Are you insane?" The woman panicked, preventing Xander from reaching for his phone. "If Nash finds out, we're dead. You kidnapped Nina. He'll come after us. If you don't get rid of her we'll be in trouble!"

Xander realized the woman's intentions were dubious, and her actions contradictory. His expression darkened. "Weren't we supposed to solve my problems? Do you have another agenda?"

consider how Nina treats you. She has shown no concern for your well-being. She practically threw you into the fire. What loyalty

him. Indeed, Nina had

the child he had watched

debts you owe and your wife who's still in the police station. It's a because of her!" The woman continued to manipulate him. "If you release her today, she will know it was you. She will report you to the police. Forget about money, you will end up in jail! You have a daughter. She is facing a storm of online criticism. How will she survive? Isn't

who was unconscious on the ground. His hands were clenched into fists and his expression grew colder. He no longer had a way back. Inevitable

now. There was no

back from this point.

composure and stopped looking at Nina. In a disinterested tone, he said, "Wake her up

searched through her bag. Besides a few thousand dollars in cash, there was a card. That card

anxious and didn't want Nina to wake up.

to save her life!" Xander was only

asked again,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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