The car Xander was in suddenly exploded, with flames spreading across the sky and the vehicle bursting open instantly. Nina stood frozen in shock, her fair face illuminated by the fire, her eyes wide open. How could this happen? How could the car explode? Even though she wasn't close to her uncle, he was still her blood relative. If someone died in front of her, she would still be afraid.

Nina's mind went blank, and tears silently streamed down her face. She stood there for a while, like a zombie, subconsciously moving towards the site of the explosion.

"Nina!" Nash, still in disbelief, noticed Nina's actions. Concerned for her safety, he firmly grasped her wrist and pulled her into his arms. His gaze was grave as he sternly said, "It's dangerous over there. Don't go!"

"Quincy, get someone to put out the fire!" Nina, with red eyes, resisted Nash for a moment but then calmly said, "It's okay. I'll just watch from afar. There won't be any danger."

She just wanted to see if he had really died. She still couldn't believe that he would die in front of her. They all rushed to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers while Nina stood at a distance, watching the figure in the car. He seemed motionless, repentant just a moment ago.

A pair of hands covered her eyes. "Don't look!"

Nina questioned, "Why did the car explode out of nowhere? Did someone tamper with it? You were unharmed when you arrived, so why would anyone want to kill him?"

Nash replied. "Even if we leave it to law, he shouldn't be sentenced to death for his crimes. There was tampering done by someone, and it happened just now at the scene. There was a third person here on your side."

have wanted to eliminate the evidence, so she murdered her uncle! This person was

as her emotions surged. "Someone is targeting me, trying

emotions, Nina struggled to breathe and eventually collapsed

held her

patted Nina's cheek, but discovered that she had fainted. He then lifted her up. "Quincy, drive.

the scene. They also contacted the police, and soon the


arms, urgently calling for a doctor He couldn't help but notice that Nina had been looking frail lately, with her thin frame and tendency

"Mr. York, I will arrange for

let's also take care of your own injury

had been

he was injured. The previous wound had reopened, and he now felt the pain, furrowing his brows

to stay awake, Nina heard their conversation in

to undergo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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