Exactly. He could transfer two hundred million to her account. So why hesitate over ten million?

Nina looked down, feeling a pang of bitterness in her heart. He was good, really good. But each act of kindness felt like a stab to her heart, making it difficult to move on while also causing her pain. Xander smiled and promptly recited his bank account number. Nash took out his phone and made a call. "Transfer ten million to this account immediately!"

The woman hiding behind them panicked at the sight. No, this couldn't happen! Nina had to disappear completely!

A message alert sounded on Xander's phone. He checked the message: the bank had sent him a notification. He glanced at the balance: ten million! It was more money than he had ever seen in his life. Xander felt excited and happy as he put his phone in his pocket. "How can I be sure you'll let me go once I release Nina?" he asked.

Nash replied, "There's a car here. You can drive away. I won't stop you."

"Then let me go."

Xander noticed a multitude of parked cars outside. Once he left, he knew he would be completely safe. With the money he held in his hand, he could vanish and begin a new life with his wife and daughter in a place where no one could recognize them. Everything would improve.

The woman's eyes turned cold as ice upon witnessing this scene. She couldn't stay here any longer. Fortunately, she had a backup plan in case things went wrong and she found herself caught in the middle of a conflict.

everyone's attention fixed on Xander, she slipped

the sight of blood on Nina's neck. He feared that any misstep could inflict more harm

his earlier harsh behavior, they both emerged unharmed. He had no intention of

Nina and let

"Nina, I apologize for this. I found myself in a difficult situation

none of this would have

that I have

you if

money, our family won't need Zion's

years. It won't happen again. I'll take them

bitterness upon hearing his words. Her father always described them

together, but something


him as her uncle.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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