Upon hearing Nash's words, Nina felt no need to hide any longer and replied, "Grandpa Henry, I am already married. You don't need to find suitors for me."

Grandpa Henry was delighted. Before Mr. Walker Sr. passed away, Nina was still a student. Now, seeing her married, he could not help but size up Nash. He smiled and said, "Handsome and talented, a rare gem among men. Clearly, Nina has excellent taste!"

Grandpa Henry continued, expressing his concern for their marriage, "You two must cherish each other and your marriage. Meeting is fate, staying together is even more precious. Cherish it!"

Nash's lips curled slightly upwards upon hearing this. Nina chose to listen patiently, not interrupting Grandpa Henry's words.

As they were about to have dinner together, Grandpa Henry sighed, "This Xander, it's a good thing Mr. Walker Sr. passed away. If he found out, it would've been infuriating!"

He had watched Xander grow up and seeing him change so drastically, he couldn't help but feel regret that he wouldn't live long enough to see Xander's redemption.

Remaining silent, Nina knew that, as Nash had said, those who were willing to see the truth wouldn't say much - they would just know.

The guests had all arrived and the place was packed.

circulating behind her back. But even before she reached her destination, she heard someone call out, "Nina, come

bit taken aback and glanced at Nash. He gave her a reassuring look, silently signaling her not to worry. "It's

quite dashing as well. Your family is

you're too kind. Her husband is truly exceptional. He's a successful businessman, and choosing

husband, let's

was enough for them to brag about for a lifetime. The

was pleasantly surprised

now on her and Nash. They praised her beauty, maturity, competence, and

the workplace; these were her relatives and neighbors, where showing off was the

with endless praise felt like being

composed exterior, smiling without speaking, but she worried that Nash might not adapt. After all, he

she turned


even more adaptable than her. He was drinking with them, matching their pace,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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