Nina took the glass of water and responded lightly.

"He is so thoughtful, always thinking of his wife!"

To others, their small gestures seemed like banter and teasing, which made Nina feel a bit uncomfortable.

Nash raised his glass and chuckled, "Of course, I have to spoil my own wife."

"Oh my, you truly are the best. If my husband had even half your thoughtfulness, we wouldn't be arguing every day!"

They laughed heartily. Nina didn't say much, as Nash had already saved face for her. In the eyes of others, she was married into a wealthy family, with a considerate husband, making many envious.

Nina was a bit puzzled and asked, "Earlier, these relatives were all cold towards me, but suddenly they became so enthusiastic. Did you secretly do something?"


likable. People tend to become more enthusiastic when they are

words momentarily stunned Nina. Was he concerned about her being bullied or worried that her relatives would criticize her? Had he intentionally tried to gain

fully process this, someone else called out, "Nash, come over here! Have a drink with me. In all my years of meeting

up and joined them without

the office

maintained a distant and aloof demeanor, lacking warmth. But now, he seemed to let his guard down, engaging in conversation and drinks with the older generation just


Nash left Lily and Sue feeling infuriatingly

was supposed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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