"I'm considering your best interests!" Lily's mother said sternly. "Xander just can't compare to his older brother! Money rules over everything else. Look at how glorious Nina is. She's praised by so many. The moment her name is mentioned, everyone knows how outstanding she is. And how about your daughter? Even if she marries an old man, as long as he's wealthy, she'll never have to worry for the rest of her life!"

"Mom!" Lily disagreed. "I'm not as materialistic as you. You're obsessed with money. Everyone says I'm petty. I know who I resemble now-it's you. You're the one who's led me down this path, and now you want my daughter to follow in my footsteps!"

"How can you say that? What's wrong with that?" Lily's mother retorted angrily.

"Fine, fine, fine! I'm useless then. If that's what you think, then go on, go find your son. Stop bothering me, your daughter!" Lily's heart turned cold. She couldn't understand why she had a mother like this. Nina heard everything from outside the door. She didn't speak, only knocking when their anger seemed to subside.

Hearing the knock, Lily was worried about being ridiculed, so she suppressed her anger and spoke in a pleasant tone, "Come in."

Nina entered the room.

Seeing it was Nina, Lily's expression immediately turned sour. Surprisingly, Lily's mother stood up, quickly putting on a smile, "So it's you, Nina. Come, have a seat."

concern, "Would you like some tea? Let me pour you

knowing that she had a conflict with Nina now, her mother still flattered her. It was clear that she didn't care much about her daughter. Nina couldn't

mother said, "Alright, then talk

Lily, "Lily, don't put on a sour face. After all, Nina is your niece. What's the difference between her and

looked at Sue again and said, "Stop crying. We're all family here. Everything's

front of Nina,

with anger, and her tone and attitude

down, her gaze shifting to the sexy Sue behind her, and said softly, "Should I not have come since your daughter did

her words, Lily's expression

subconsciously covering her chest, still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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