Nina knew very well that this person had contact with them all. After Lily vented her emotions, she calmly asked, "At the scene where Xander abducted me that day, there was another person, a woman. She didn't want me to recognize her, so she altered her voice. You framed me. I already know someone was pulling the strings behind the scenes. Another person was present during my abduction, and I suspect it's the same person. To uncover who killed Xander, we have to rely on your identification!"

"Nonsense, pure nonsense, it's impossible!" Lily didn't believe it. "You're just trying to absolve yourself and lessen your guilt!"

Lily's refusal to accept reality was evident. She couldn't bear to admit that Nina's kidnapping led to this dire situation. Instead, she shifted all blame onto Nina, absolving themselves of any responsibility. Nina's words were clear: "Think carefully for yourself. Is Xander's death worth it? If not, tell me who that woman is. I won't let her off the hook!"

These words also reached Sue's ears. She pondered over Nina's words, her face turning pale, and she seemed somewhat unsettled.

Nina left.

Enraged, Lily overturned the table.

Startled, Sue exclaimed, "Mom, what are you doing?"

With teary eyes, Lily replied, "She said there's someone else who killed your father. She's just trying to absolve herself of blame. They have ulterior motives!" Finishing her words, Lily burst into tears again.

Sue hugged her, saying, "Mom, don't be like this. Dad wouldn't want you to be like this, even in spirit."


to the already somber atmosphere. Everyone dressed


together, and Zion's eyes were red but he remained silent. Only Lily


emotional; after all, he was her own uncle. When people say someone

the funeral, people

one by one.

overwhelmed with tears, to stand. Out of courtesy, Nina bid farewell to the mourners one by one.

sixth sense always came on strong. Nina looked


not holding an umbrella and seemed to be

obscuring her vision, Nina


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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