Chapter 975 As A Pet

“Sky Devourer Lord truly made me see him in a new light!”

Apart from the members of the samurai school, Kenneth also revealed an amused smile. He asked knowingly, “What’s the matter, Sky Devourer Lord? You weren’t like this just a moment ago. Why the sudden change of heart?”

Emrys chuckled and said, “I’ve suddenly taken an interest in your esteemed White Snake Immortal.”

Taken an interest?

Laughter erupted once again.

“Hahaha! Just admit that you’ve chickened out instead of coming up with such an excuse. Sky Devourer Lord, you really know how to find excuses for yourself!”

“Well, what did you expect? For him to kneel on the ground, beg for mercy, and admit his fear while pleading for Chief Xanthos to spare his life? Impossible! After all, he’s a revered figure in Chanaea, a legendary character. He certainly has his pride!”

“Heh, not wanting to die yet refusing to kneel, he sure has some beautiful dreams!”

Kenneth’s expression grew increasingly amused. Suddenly, he let out a laugh and said, “Sky Devourer Lord, I did give you

and now you’re feeling regret. Do you think that’s appropriate? The reason I wanted you to join the Xanthos family earlier was because I admired your audacity and tenacity. Unfortunately, the person you are now disappoints me greatly. Your backbone seems to have vanished all of a sudden, and it successfully extinguished my interest in you. Therefore, I retract my offer for you to join.”

c chance. It’s you who didn’t know how to cherish it,

Kenneth was intentionally toying with Emrys.

I offered you an opportunity before?

all about

that you’r

seen my

and turn to beg me? Sorry, but there’s

had a mocking expression on

sarcastic remarks around him. He said,. “I believe there seems to be a misunderstanding regarding my intentions. I never said I wanted to join your Xanthos family, nor have I ever changed my stance, My view remains the same as before. In my eyes, your Xanthos family is nothing more than trash. Sorry if my words may seem harsh, but I’m only speaking the truth. You see,


honesty. Earlier, when I mentioned b

wanted to see if it was worthy to be my


590 +0


1 Coins


1 Pearl

by the that’s all

to it.

Tue 23 Apr

As A

speaking, a prolonged silence enveloped the

what they were

the White Snake Immortal as a pet. He even mentioned wanting to first assess if the White

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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