Chapter 976 Devour

Just fractions of a second before the katana was about to slit Emrys‘ throat, countless pure white snake–shaped energy currents were released like electricity, instantly enveloping Emrys‘ entire body.

Kenneth had even utilized his sword soul!

He did not hold back in the slightest. It was clear that he intended to use his utmost power to make Emrys pay a painful price.

Only in this way could he vent the fury in his heart!


In Kenneth’s mind, he had envisioned that such a sharp blade could instantly slit Emrys‘ throat, and the sword soul taking the form of white snakes could instantly disintegrate Emrys‘ body.

After the swing of the blade, Emrys‘ body was torn apart, but it was merely an afterimage.

“Kenneth, you presume I lack understanding of you immortal families, but have you truly grasped who I, the Sky Devourer Lord, am?”

After evading the strike, Emrys showed no signs of strain, his demeanor cool and indifferent. He was still shrouded in the pure white sword soul snakes.

Nonetheless, those sword soul snakes couldn’t harm him in the slightest.

Kenneth’s brow furrowed abruptly before he bellowed, “Gather!”

The katana in his hand once again erupted with a brilliant light, as if it desired to reclaim the sword soul entwined around Emrys. However, what happened next left him utterly stunned on the spot.

Emrys spoke coldly, “In Chanaea, there are countless cultivators whose physical abilities have long since transcended the mundane. Yet, they still dare not call themselves immortals. From where do you, a mere mortal, draw such confidence?”

had been truly taken in as a mentee by the White Snake Immortal. The rest were merely leveraging

fraction of its power within the katana, which in turn granted the core members of


nhusical constitution was.

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23 Apr MG

Chapter 976 Devour

Emrys said was

him, the pure white sword soul that had been swirling around. him instantly vanished, refined by his life

The latter had no time to react



completely, not even leaving a fragment behind. Only remnants of its sword soul lingered, fearfully wandering in the air

his mouth and inhaled, causing all the sword soul to be uncontrollably swallowed into his stomach, leaving nothing behind in the

unfolded incredibly quickly.

confidently before

had already been scared witless.

them, the members of the samurai school

happened? The katana, imbued with celestial power, was not only shattered by the Sky Devourer Lord, but he even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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