Chapter 94

Dylan POV

I barley slept a wink last night, and it was all because of what king Josh said right before he fell asleep. I tried to talk to him but he just kept telling me he’ll discuss it with me tomorrow. Well now it was tomorrow, and 1 still hadn’t had my questions answered.

“If you don’t shower today, I will drag you in the bathroom and wash you myself. Just because you’re up here it doesn’t mean that you can simply forget about your hygiene. You are my queen. You must present as such.” He sauntered through the room clearly looking for something as I rolled my eyes. “I saw that!” How on earth he saw my eyes roll is beyond me but still he was taking and so I took my chance.

“I just don’t get why we have to go to my district!” I spoke only to have the king chuckle at my words. He turned towards me with a cocky grin firmly planted on his face.

“Well, I didn’t get to stay very long the last time did 1, besides I have business to discuss with the alpha.” I didn’t want to face everyone again, not after everything I’d been through. When I left I was this somewhat happy girl, I’m not sure seeing me the way I am now will give everyone much hope.

“Fine, but why do I have to go too?” He was fast in his movements as he grabbed the back of my neck and held my face just in front of his firmly, his breath splattered my featured and caused me to grimace slightly, it wasn’t because he smelt had, in fact his scent was rather nice, he did have money after all, and it certainly showed, no it was his proximity that was the real issue. I would never be able to be around him without being disgusted by


that, it really did make me out to be the villain, but I didn’t care, I knew the truth. He placed a simple peck on my lips before looking in the drawer

another draw before growling and slamaning it shut. I guess whatever he was looking for wasn’t there, because he took one last look at me and pointed directly at my

before exiting the room. I heard the lock click shut less than a minute after the door closed and I was once again completely and utterly alone. I sighed and flopped onto the bed staring at the ceiling, the same routine everyday for the

knowing I couldn’t spend another day lying down in bed, when there were plenty of things I could get on with. I climbed out from underneath the quilt, and stretched my once again extremely skinny body, instantly feeling dizzy from my lack of

regain my senses. I was starving, my stomach had been going off most of the night, and there’s nothing worse than not having regular food provided. Not eating much at all made you cranky and irritable, which of course king Josh noticed and simply told me that I already know what to do, and I did know what to do. The

to myself as I wandered through the room. If people see me

showered quickly before throwing a pair of the kings shorts and a t–shirt on. I looked at the gown that was meant for me, but talked myself out of it. If no one was going to see me anyway then I may as well be

was dressed 1 began to read that book again. So for the most exciting thing to happen to the man was finding out he had something known to woll kind as the sight. It allows a wolf to tap into nature and see for miles ahead or behind them. We’d learnt about it before actually, but it was such a rare gift these days as all the wolves live life like humans, they aren’t

a way it’s a good thing. If they saw everything within let’s say a five mile radius, then they’d know everything and

door knocked as I continued to read, in stead of the king, however, was my

she farted around the room. Folding everything back up before placing the items in

must be excited, your grace.” She fumbled around while addressing me. “You haven’t seen your friends and family in

as she realizes


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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