Chapter 95

Dylan POV

The day of the start of the tour came and with it my nerves shot through me. The king had insisted that I was to wear the dungeon uniform and a set of restraints for the duration of the journey, and so I was placed in very similar cuff to the ones Carlos had been made to wear, they were heavy and really did slow my movements down as I tried to navigate the palace with gamma Warren close to my heels. King Josh sore to it that I would Beas uncomfortable as possible while on the road.

We made our way to the dining area where we would be having our final dinner before we departed. Everyone was already seated and eating by the time I entered. The king quickly stood up and walked over to me, he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear while I recoiled slightly. I hated him, I hated his touch I hated his voice, I hated his home and most importantly I hated his stupid narcissistic family. I just hated everything about him, and the more time I spent with him, the more my hate grew.

As soon as I sat down at my seat, my eyes became enlarged, I stared at Carlos in front of me, he was sat next to his mate Lorellia, the thing out of the ordinary however was the state in which he looked.

He was no longer cuffed or restrained in any way, but he was completely and utterly beaten, his face had lost some more weight, not quite as much as me but he was unnaturally and unhealthily thin. His clean shaven chin only showed a set of dark deep bruises and his left eye was swollen. He had a short sleeved shirt on which highlighted the fingerprints littered up and down his arms, and a solid plaster cast rested on his right wrist.

at the sight of me. Had we swapped places or something? He had clearly gone through much more physical abuse than me the past few weeks, and

promptly after dinner, if we intend to arrive

We will set of as soon as I am finished.” Warren nodded his head before exiting through

very conflicted, child. I can’t begin to imagine what you must be feeling.” The kings grandfather spoke, his eyes directly on me as a sincere look crossed

feeling honored that she’s allowed to be a part of the 5 year celebrations. It’s not an everyday occurrence.” I rolled my eyes and looked to Carlos who was doing the exact same thing, the only difference was he got a hard slap across his face which caused me to gasp and caused

and without thinking I stood up in my seat, only


worry.” He wasn’t fine and so I shook my head, I was getting progressively sick to death of being treated like a punching bag,

otherwise!” I was bewildered at how fast he was in diminishing my outburst. He pulled me down not even a second after I stood up. My head shot to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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