Chapter 189

King Josh POV

A week… It had been a fucking week since my bitch of a mate left. Who in their right mind would leave me? Me?! I was a king. I was basically a God and yet, she left me, she walked away from me as if I was nothing to her… but I knew I was EVERYTHING!

My anger was becoming uncontrollable as the days went by thanks to that bitch. Even I knew that my men were tiptoeing around me, trying their hardest not to bring my rage out any more than it already was.

I just couldn’t understand it, I took her away from everything and everyone she knew, I broke her down bit by bit so she would be mine, and still she refused to accept me. I bought her back, I let her see her friends her old life, and still she refused to accept me. I got rid of her mother, the only person besides me that she had left and STILL she refused to accept me. What more could I do? Did I truly have to keep her chained up? Did I really have to break her legs to stop her from leaving me? Did I have to mark her without permission just to keep her with me? No! She was my mate and mine alone. She shou it me as much as I wanted her.

Did I love her? No, how could anyone truly love the person who defied their every command? How could I love her after everything she had made me do, i didn’t love her, she angered me more than anything else, I did crave her though, I admit I was infatuated with her. Borderline obsessed.

Secretly, if I’m completely honest, I enjoyed the fight she offered, watching her take everything I threw at her only made me more determined. The more she rose up, the more brutal I became. She would be mine if I had to burn down every single human district in the world just to smoke her out of whatever hiding place she had gotten herself in.

When we find her… she will regret ever saying no to me!

“Your grace?” My beta’s meek voice floated through the room from the doorway and my anger rose with it.

dodged out of the way. Dylan would have taken that head on then stared me in the

news about my queen then fuck off!” I growled my claws embedding themselves into alpha Franks desk. We had moved on from my mates old district, the people there we’re becoming loud and obnoxious once Dylan’s escape had been discovered, and so I decided to continue with our

been no sign of her at all, right now our men are out searching, but you need to prioritize the anniversary. It has been a week, your grace, we may have continued the tour but you’ve yet

progression, even the queens disappearance hasn’t been addressed officially yet.”

shut up!

it from the roof tops that I, the king of the new world had been rejected,

completely off the surface in a fit of rage and growled loudly. The moon goddess had a lot to fucking answer for. “You…” I


Chapter 189

desk. “Go everywhere in the country… search everywhere I want her found, and

stared at me, shocked about the way my wolf was surfacing. It was a situation I didn’t know how to handle, I was so used to being in

now is not time to be dividing us up. You need me and Warren by your side.” I scowled at his words but we were both cut off by my gamma, warren, who all but charged into the room

to the human sector, right now!” Why? What could possibly be going on that required my presence. I couldn’t be bothered with my usual duties to

I rose from the desk and allowed my feet to reluctantly follow Warren through the pack house and eventually out of the front door. As soon

It had started!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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