Chapter 188

“You lost everything because of me…” I shook my head. She can’t think like that, she saved me from becoming something I despised.

“I hated what I was letting Josh do to the world. I hated that I stood by and watched him cause more and more harm to people. You saved me from losing who I am, you reminded me that the world can be harmonious again. Because of you, I know that I will fight with every fibre of my being. I will always have your back. Everything you do, I will believe in whole heartedly. Her arms tightened around me, I knew she understood my words, she knew that I spoke the truth. I would fight beside her until the very end.

After some time her sobs evened out drastically, and I sighed knowing she had calmed down. I simply continued to hold her. I wasn’t sure if she fully believed me but I was hers. She really did hold my very soul. I wasn’t sure I could keep going on without her knowing about the bond I had subconsciously created with her, and after holding her like this, I knew it was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

“I think… I think I’ve chosen you, Dylan.” I swallowed thickly and waited for her answer, but none came. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have, but you’re my mate. The goddess Luna has made it so, I… I love everything about you.” I sighed when again she didn’t answer. Slowly I met her eyes, fearing the worst, scared that she had nothing but disgust on her features, in stead I was met with her gorgeous face, her eyes closed peacefully, and her lips parted in serenity. She truly was the epitome of true beauty. She was finally asleep, after goddess knows how long. I knew I shouldn’t disturb her or move her, but with healthy lack of body fat surely she would get cold staying like that.

I gently and carefully arranged her sleeping fragile body in my arms and began to carry her back to her RV. She instantly snuggled her head into my chest, causing it to begin to beat rapidly. I was like a teenage boy, finally able to

his crush for the first

surrounded me, I was already overwhelmed by it, just from carrying her,

made my knees give out from under me. I gently laid her down on the bed and pulled the quilt over the top of her. I placed a single kiss on her forehead and then

A small whimper theft her lips and her head turned rapidly from side to side. In panic i hastily walked back over to her and quickly placed my hand on her head, stroking it in an attempt to calm

with a shout as she darted her head around the room in fear. Once again without thinking, and before she could climb out of bed again, I sat next to her and pulled her head into me once more. Her fear completely disappeared within a minute, and her eyes

that was the case, then I wouldn’t move an inch, I swore that she could use me in a way that benefited her, If that meant I’d become her pillow, her bed…

of my senses into a calm and precious moment. With her body half on top of me, and her warmth surrounding my every nerve,


Chapter 188

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